Tuesday 6 August 2013

Real Garden Gnomes!

Greetings Dear Journeyers,

I have been out in my yard and garden a fair bit lately and reminded of our little inhabitants there: both of the animal and the etheric realms. It may also be that I have felt their appreciation of the care we have taken (as best we can anyway) of our resident wildlife and the recent passing of a dear old very large green tree frog who has been here since before we moved in. Myself and my family were very saddened by his departure. After a few sincere thoughts, his poor little body was placed beneath a cluster of stones and a small green frog figurine sits on top.

Some readers know of the many channelled “Amping-up” emails I sent out back in the latter half of 2012 (last year). These emails came regularly , mostly channelled, as the great consciousness shift came due to the focus and intent of the world and our Otherworldly Supporters as we approached Dec 2012. This in turn brought a greater open channel to other dimensions from many directions! So I looked up this one in my files and thought some more of you may like to read about our little garden people.
 Enjoy The Universal Journey!  

My Real Garden Gnomes.       (Thurs 6 Dec 2012.)

(Seems they are happy enough to be called ‘mine’.)

Wow! Now I have read up on them a little, I have had SO many links guiding me to their wish to be noticed, coming into my life lately.

Our rock gardening raised their curiosity and as I began to sense where to put them (rocks that is) and other garden ornaments they became more manifest, if that’s the word, ie more open to me sensing their presence. Not only did my husband uncover a great cluster of rocks as we cleared spaces around the pool area, but he found some elsewhere and brought a good number home to use, at first close to the house frontage leading to the door, and that’s when I got to work and expanded the rock themes. It seems the Gnomes love rock clusters.

Things stand out to me lately: my garden gloves, small spades, little garden spots of interest that need tending and enhancing, particularly when the light and shade fall in certain ways.

As I sat to really pay more attention to him, I was absorbed into their ‘ we never worry’ aura and felt more substantially earth-elemental myself. Different to my qigong experiences. Perhaps because , also my main contact is a male and an actual being, not an expansive encompassing energy.

The closest I can understand his name is: Hank, short for Hankelewort. The ‘a’ is pronounced in the European style almost sounding like a ‘u’ and all the vowels are pronounced. He is the elder of the clan and there are 6 of them. Hank has a wife and 2 younger ones and there is another couple, related to him. They are definitely more shy. So we will see.

It seems the rock cluster we took away and distributed was not a problem for them. There are voids under the areas from the pool yard and the driveway area (and others elsewhere) which they use. I also sense their presence/use of the area on the other side of the pool where my eye is drawn very much since we first began living here. It is a space under the lillypilly tree, which has been included in major trimming. Seems they are not upset by any of that, like a ‘ce sera sera’ manner about it all. So perhaps there are voids under that landfill area too for them? But I also could not help grin and imagine them skittering to and fro when the pool side gate is open and no one is looking! Cute.

As I was picking up Hank’s communications, I kept seeing an image of a collar with bells all around it. Now as I read little more about Gnomes, I understand that I think he is telling me that the pestery cat from next door should have one due to all the sneaking around he does, especially around their entrances. Do I ask my neighbour to put a bell on their cat?

The nature of Gnomes now explains a couple of other incidents. I think they have something to do with a poor tiny baby possum that turned up dead at our doorstep, which I blamed on the dog, but was probably gone already and Zander just delivered it to us. . But he was happy that I was taking it away . Our dog doesn’t like things that don’t belong  or are strange to him, be they things, sights or sounds. This was a strange out of place thing in our yard and so he brought it to me to take it away. . .?  Also accounts for animal incidents centred around the Gnomes' enchanting little habitats, all clarifying much more now.

Gnomes are also renowned for hidden knowledge and wisdoms. So the references to hoarding ‘treasure’ would tend to mean of this kind I reckon. Which reminds me that someone asked if I spoke with a Gnome, could we have some info on our group. Hank’s answer to that was to say, that if you want to ask them something, just take the time to slow down as you come up the driveway that passes their little niche and commune and ask for yourself. If you believe they are there, you will be received courteously. Mind you – it isn’t their ‘thing’ to do ‘readings’ for groups  They are after all, earthly little caretakers. Of course as for questions regarding gardens, plants and native animals – absolutely!

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