Saturday 17 August 2013

Aahh. . . Solitude.

Greetings Lovelies,

Once again this morning, the mist surrounds the low lying areas around us and creeps its way up towards our house too. By 7.30am it is so thick that the Sun looks like the Moon -  no more than a simple  silver-white disc barely gleaming through the sea of saturated air. No sun-beams permeate this misty cocktail-shroud. 

Now the reference to the Sun imitating the Moon may be coincidental, but as a part of my Qigong/ Meditation Group daytrip yesterday, I included a variety of Yin-Yang movements to assist the current energy changes occurring (on both personal and worldly scales). After a little explanation and reminder that although Yin and Yang are symbolised as that well known flat black & white designed disc, these two opposite forces are nevertheless  flowing constantly; contained yet uncontained, from all directions sometimes such as a ball; each flowing from one into the other and each always containing a little of the other as it does so. Amongst these Qigong movements was one I  call ‘Raising the Sun and Moon’. Hence my comparison to this morning’s Sun-disc and its refected aspect of the Moon for a brief time. 

Nature is always amazing, as is Qigong and good company.      

So, how was our daytrip??? I am still lost for many words, and continue to digest and process and integrate the images, sights, sounds, scents and collective experiences of it all! I have a tiredness about me today which is usual as I process these types of things; so I keep to myself a lot. And then comes the time later, in the days and weeks to come, which show the true signs of renewal,upliftment and advancement from a special day such as this. So it’s a very slow day for me today and drinking lots more water. Hence, the misty morning has been a perfect aura in which to begin this day of mine. Perhaps a short trip to the beach to paddle and dig my feet in the sand might also help to balance out the effects – from mountains to sea . . .a complete picture of a weekend.

As the title of this blog hints at, the name of the retreat centre/property we visited is ‘Solitude’. . .and that’s what you can have in great abundance there! Overlooking the Numinbah Valley sits this mostly pristine naturally mountain forested property. There are very powerful high frequency areas everywhere, and within those, even higher vibrational spots. You really need more than a day to explore it all. We have stayed in the cosy cabins on previous weekend retreats, as a couple of the group did this time too. But for most of us it was a daytrip this time around. Sometimes, several hours is all you need.

We visited the main ‘points of interest’, meditated, qigong-ed, walked in silent meditation to the occasional gong of the Tibetan bowl (felt like a line of Zen monks actually, winding our way through the forest!)  and sat in even more silent meditation in the sacred spiral there. We laughed, we shared, we breathed deeply, we let go of lots of unnecessary ‘baggage’, lightened up and breathed even more deeply,  We had lots of ah-ha moments and veg’d out and feasted healthfully; renewed long standing connections (with each other and Solitude); and made new ones. I even felt a little like dear Ganesh as I cleared the fallen sticks and branch obstacles from our path! Hahaha! 

Quite a massive day really.  And look forward to the next one. Sincere thank you too to Marga as Solitude’s resident Nature Spirit in the flesh.

Aaahh Solitude. . .  

A droopy but quietly re-empowered Starwhite Earthguide signing off for now,

Be well and happy, good people, Namaste. 

Enjoy The Universal Journey.

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