Saturday 31 August 2013

Hello Spring!

Sunday September 1st.

Greetings Fellow Journeyers!

A big welcome to Spring which has arrived around here today with a huge choir of birds of different types at dawn, twittering with their voices announcing the day, and claiming their territories! It is a slightly hazy morning, the sun beaming through, mildly tinted a pale orange from the surrounding smokey fog.

There’s lots to consider in Spring.   

Did you know, a dear friend of mine told me once, that the actual vibrational sounds that birds make with their voices, especially in Spring, calls buds to develop and open?! How amazing is that.

Traditionally, Spring is obviously a time of new life. It is also a time of shrugging off the wintery blankets, physical, emotional and mental, and time to take stock. Spring cleaning often comes along with that as the urge to usher in a freshness to Life in general flows from us; to allow the new energies of the more transitional season to be given fresh space to become sown and to grow.

From a Qigong/Feng Shui point of view, Spring has  several aspects. It relates to the direction of EAST, representative of new life or re-birth, as birds nest and lay eggs, baby lambs and many other baby animals arrive (so cute and endearing for our gentler side). The colour of Spring is GREEN, that of new shoots and re-greening of deciduous trees who have lost their leaves through Winter. The body organ relating is the LIVER , which is often in need of gentle attention to be detoxed during this time after such an often sluggish condition over Winter. There is a tone you can sound with your voice to soothe the liver as an added dimension to its healing: ‘ssshhhhh’ as if lulling it to sleep. Just choose any note with your voice that sounds comfortable and after some repetition a resonance within your body can be felt. Work on the liver needs only be subtle and gentle for results to occur sometimes. Also try placing your warm hand over it and imagine beaming the colour green to this organ to add to its healing, soothing ‘treatment’. Our poor old livers work very hard for us. They are a huge organ that wraps around from almost the central area of the stomach (below the ribs) right around the right side of the body. We usually pay little attention to it, unless it gives us trouble, and then because we have been giving it a hard time! Hence, naturopaths, accupuncturists, massage, Reiki and Shamanic practitioners etc are also good to visit in this season!

Spring is also the time for flowers: inspirational, romantic, fragrant and abundant. Flowers remind us of the beauty of our Earth and its cycles and the Nature of Joy. After the winter slothiness, take time to smell them. But sometimes hayfever comes with that, however, which could be a good indication for need of a detox too, on perhaps a deeper level.  These symptomatic ‘blockages’ like hayfever, can become such a distraction, year after year – I know from experience.  Some years ago, I eventually looked at the deeper reasons for my condition (as I have with many other conditions) and found the need to create more efficient ‘flow’ in my life. Referring back to the qigong aspects, as we emerge from winter hybernation, we need to begin a programme of more activity and movement, physically, and mentally, and this leads to those activites for clearing blockages and obstacles like Spring cleaning – inside and out! This allows those creative juices room to flow naturally and inspirationally. Then the more that little bits begin to shift, the better you begin to feel and on it goes.

So, with this new season also today comes Fathers Day here in Australia. Happy Fathers’ Day to all those out there. I know lots of you work very hard at keeping home and family supported, and some get poorly appreciated. . . but you also keep the world turning, even if its your own little world. Blessings to you.

So, that’s about all from me for now. As Spring unfurls like a leaf or a bud, I feel some creative writing emerging as well! Stay tuned! Lots more happening in Spring.

Blessings to you on

The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide signing out for now. 

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