Monday 29 July 2013


Hello Dear Friends,
Another day in paradise. . .well at least another day in our lovely sunny state. . it becomes a bit harder to find the ‘paradise’ bit sometimes. After weird days of on again off again rainy, cloudy , breeziness and a sudden rainstorm that eclipsed the area yesterday, today is just beautiful and sunny; not too hot, not too cold. This morning before dawn, as I was out and warming my hands around  a hot cuppa, I watched the gradual drift and cloaking of a fog bank coming in across my view. For me, this sight and aura strangely auguring the mystery of things to come soon, from an EarthSpirit point of view.
I just love mist. I love the word itself and how it phonetically (or by its sound) leads the reader or speaker into the extension of that word – mystery and mysterious. The mist itself creeps like a creature in the early morn or evening, then finds its nest and settles. In drifts and hollows, it lays in wait, or perhaps not so much in wait, but in expectation, of a contact and an awareness of a traveller or inhabitant who may allow it to wash over and around and create a magical sense of space in light and time in which to pause and become impressed or inspired by what is contained therein. . . if they should so choose.
Mist might appear to some to be a reflection of their own fogginess of mind, of spirit or of direction. But not always. There are positive reflections too as there are in all things, just take the time and the openness to let them appear for you.

In love, light and mist-ery
Starwhite Earthguide. 

Enjoy The Universal Journey.

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