Monday 12 August 2013

Windy Weather!

We are now in the final month of winter here in Queensland, although with the gorgeous sunny clear days and mild nights in the past weeks, it has not been too hard to take at all! Hence my big efforts in the yard and garden as I mentioned in an earlier blog entry. Winter doesn’t have the same feel about it these days, do you agree?  (But  that’s a whole other story!)

But now the wind tends to pick up a bit more during August, which tends to stir things up a bit for animals and people alike.

With that stirring comes thoughts and tendencies toward change: winds  deliver change;  blowing out the old, stale and outdated and breezing in the new, on so many levels.

 I am currently preparing for a day trip with my meditation/qigong group and have come across some old Qigong classes which as per usual, I found as I was searching for something else entirely -love those little surprises. These class notes I designed several years ago and named them “Animals and Elements’. As I read through them I remember the moves involved in their instruction, the cycle of seasons, circle of directions and how my students enjoyed them. There was fun mixed in with every lesson! (As there still is)

Anyway, these simple moves connect and form an intricate web around the concept of seasons, colours, directions and qualities that pertain to each. So with Winter preparing to move out and Spring approaching, the wind brings its movement and the changes necessary for us to adjust and flow into the next energy cycle of Spring; the coming of that season that itself denotes new birth and fresh growth. 

Winter is traditionally a time of inner work and personal hybernation , strengthening and re-attuning yourself to your Self. But if you are amongst us who are experiencing the ‘winds of change’ at the moment. Take some time to be still, within and without, to notice the subtleties that are nudging you into action, or non-action, in whatever way is befitting your energy and seasonal situations. Resist the ‘rattly’ unsettling effect that the wind can bring, and find peace in stillness amidst that. Stop and breathe.

Do a little exploring of your inner Self if you have time and have fun with it people!

Starwhite Earthguide signing off for now,chow! 

Enjoy The Universal Journey.  

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