Sunday 25 August 2013

With the Highs Come the Lows

Tues 20th Aug 2013.       

Hello again fellow travellers of The Universal Journey.

Does anyone following my blogs get migraines? I know a few people around me who do. Terrible afflictions! And so debilitating and unexpected at times. Thank the Gods I don’t get many these days, and should have expected one I suppose after the day I had yesterday, but still, to be up 1.30 am doing my relief techniques, then waking with it again later bodes for a very slow rehab day today from that.
I never had an actual real migraine until it came to the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. I was working in a local hospital at the time filing in the medical records department, when I suddenly saw distinct red zigzagging lines in front of my eyes. It caught me so off guard that it also made me dizzy and nearly fell from my small step stool. Then the nausea came and only a slight pain in the head to begin with. Later as my pregnancy progressed they became more regular (hormonal as you can guess by now) and fainting came along with them, so that when I needed to rush to be sick in the toilet, I had to leave the door open so my poor husband could retrieve me if necessary (bless him) . . . as I said terrible affliction! 

But into the latter part of my pregnancy they eased radically but resumed later as I entered peri-menopause. My wonderful  obstetrician/gyno helped and offered all he could and we took a couple of avenues with that, until my poor little body just rejected everything and I had to quit all forms of fake hormonal treatments. Agree with it or not, but my greatest relief and release came when I finally walked into his office and stated most firmly that I wanted a hysterectomy! (for other reasons besides migraines). I was even taken by utter surprise myself at just how right this felt to do, despite natural healers oohhs and aahhs of warnings. No, for me it was the absolutely right and best thing to do, although it was not a total hysto. One concerned friend even warned me that I would lose my ‘psychic power’.  Well the years have definitely proven that wrong, andhas  reinforced my very long held understanding that we are all so unique, that what is suitable for one person may be the totally wrong thing for another.

(Please don't take this as my direction for you; it is a very personal decision to have this op and not to be made quickly.)

 After years of my youth being distraught and ravaged by violent periods (sorry to get technical for any males reading this but it might help you understand your female partner) the ultimate ‘sacrifice’ of a small part of my femininity and womanhood, was an easy path to take. For those of you who have read my book The Merlin Effect, I speak of the healing process and amazing insights and metaphysical processes that occurred during this time. No psychic losses to me! And what helped in more recent years has been my Ayurvedic remedies and diet. That created a great change within my body. Although I no longer stick to such a strict Ayurvedic way, I do sometimes revisit some of the old remedies and have much less frequent migraines.

So, from this out-of-sorts-start to my day, I stopped and asked “what’s best for me to do today to help myself recover?” . . . Visions of Tamborine Mt popped into my head, so it was off to there I went!

As I drove out into the countryside, I breathed deeply and felt lighter as the kilometres rolled by. So much so, that on the approach to the Mountain’s base, I felt the blockage lift as I had images of classes etc for me to arrange and communications to be made relating to those. And so, my migrain-ish day, turned out to be a wonderfully opening and fruitful one, with a lovely mountain visit, a little cuppa-time, and a preview at the future plans of my spiritual work ahead. . . .and back to my old self. 

So, as per my previous blogs, between the ‘winds of change’, the trip to Solitude and this day, exciting and altering events have continued to unfold from that in the past week with more to come! . . I can just feel it.

Be Well fellow travellers,
On The Universal Journey.

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