Sunday 25 February 2018

Dragonfly Magic

Monday 26.2.2018.


Greetings Lovely People on The Universal Journey.

Lately I have noticed so many dragonflies around. Sitting quietly, near a pool, I opened my eyes to find one hovering at my face – checking me out?! Delicate, spontaneous, agile & colourful, they dart and hover as the whim takes them – on their own mission of whatever that may be!

According to A. Cartwright, dragonfly animal magic/totem suggests or symbolises the message that life is not what it appears to be. She also offers the following: Its keyword is clarity. It challenges & prompts change as it manoeuvres around things from different angles – reflecting and refracting light and colours in a multitude of ways. Dragonfly shifts consciousness, form, energy and colour, allowing you to be an observer through higher frequencies of light and consciousness; thereby revealing the essence of truth beyond the illusion. This can help you transform situations that have held you in a state which has been holding you back. Clarifying the mind - able to change behaviour or circumstances for long-term happiness. This beautiful delicate creature can be changing the way you are feeling or thinking at the moment. . . shifting your consciousness by opening the 3rd eye. . . breaking down illusion, old patterning & strategies you have created to protect yourself. It also allows healing to occur on different levels. Dragonfly also connects you to elementals, plant or nature spirits. She helps open your heart to feel joy, grace and support your evolution.

Thank you A. C. for your insights into this amazing creature’s potential magic for us! Let alone a mesmerising few moments of captivating nature at one of its prettiest. 

Happy dragonfly spotting on The Universal Journey!

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