Tuesday 13 February 2018

White Space

Weds 14.2.2018

Welcome and Greetings to All on
The Universal Journey,

There is a subject that has fascinated me over the years and grown in significance - once I have an eye to look for it. It is Yohaku.

 Yohaku is a Japanese term defining that blank space upon which an image is made.

In its blankness is its importance; its significance. For without this blankness, there would be no background upon which to overlay a design or character. It is this blank white space that defines the image upon it. 

In another perception, it is this blank space that is the creative void from where the first impression comes. If there was no creative void, there would be no space for creation, for design, for poetry, for art, for music to be written upon.

To me, yohaku is immeasurably important in defining life itself. It encompasses the aspects of yin and yang.

As a poetess, a blank page upon which to write is a magnificent open space full of potential for creative vivid concepts to be written.

As I have taught in my spiritual development classes over the years, I impress upon students, not to underestimate the power in the space which is between the lines of a pattern, sacred geometry and particularly in the case of (legitimate) crop patterns.

It is the blank white space between the lines of design that not only define the design, but illuminate a message, a total concept or evoke an idea, making it more complete and whole. 

Take a moment to look at a design you may come across today. Shift your vision. Allow the hidden white space to speak to you in its own way, then as a part of the whole. You may find an entire new dimension for yourself to explore.

Blessings on this day as always, 
as I leave my own footprints on this white space of The Universal Journey.

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