Saturday 3 February 2018

Somebody Else's Band Wagon.

Sunday 4.2.18.

Somebody Else’s Bandwagon.

Greetings All on the Universal Journey.

Today I just want to say a little about a concept that can arise when you are on the upward spiral of awakening & spiritual evolution . . .  as we all, as human’s, are!

What’s a ‘band wagon’?

 So I never really thought about the actual meaning of a band wagon when we often heard this term growing up, or in discussions. It was just a phrase commonly used sometimes, as in “Don’t go jumping onto somebody else’s band wagon”. Have you come across this term too?

A band wagon as a colloquial term brings up an image of a brightly coloured, decorated wagon which is a vehicle for carrying around a band – musicians playing loudly & animatedly to attract everyone’s attention.

So, in suggesting not to be jumping on somebody else’s band wagon, is a term of advice. It suggests that you not go leaping after and following any and every form of bright, loud, in-your-face persona or paradigm or concept that comes around to distract you from the essence of your own true calling, your true Nature;  That  “all that glitters is not gold”, and you should take the path of your own making or calling, create your own wagon of discernment and better judgement, without the frill & gloss and loud attention seeking noise.

Now as aware & open humans evolving consciously, it is a sound suggestion to consider. . . especially in this era of such intense social media & dubious commercial media. Often intentions behind presentations are not to your best higher purpose, including many new ‘band wagon’ concepts of ET contacts & situations, as the era of disclosure begins. For there are also many out there that are justifiable & correct about ETs. But this post is not all about ET phenomena (I can cover that at another time)  -  but for your Soul’s more direct, discerned & higher directional course & development.

I do not get into disturbing conspiracy theories & discussions. Although I used to many years ago when things were new. I have since learned that these conspiracy conversations & posts get a life of their own and snowball to the eventual detriment of the Soul’s growth and vibrational frequency which is due to be raised, rather than lowered. They may go under the banner, or on the band wagon of “for your best interest at heart” or as “you need to know this!” and other such concepts which relate not to the heart or awakening at all, but to the increase in fear and separation and anxiety about your own existence.

You are much better than this.

You are worthy of higher elements of spiritual concept than this.

You are worthy of knowing the truth, in a higher vibrational way and your very own Essence, your very own Soul is your best guide of all.

If these ‘band wagoners’ offer you such things as a quick fix, a better seat, a better view, too good to be true . . . take a step back and a few moments pause. Allow your inner self to come forward. Breathe and spend a few minutes getting a real sense of “just how exactly does this make me feel?”  Then discern and choose for yourself. At least you have given your inner higher self an opportunity to speak to you from the part of your divine being that actually cares for and about you alone – without an agenda to fulfil, except care & nurturing of you in this Lifetime. Of course it may feel totally right for you, or for the person who is listening to that same band, right beside you!  But not all is for everyone, or perhaps not right at this very moment. . . . Or maybe it is? That, as always, is up to you.

Love and Blessings as Ever.

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