Friday 23 February 2018

The Poetic Universe of Qigong

Saturday 24.2.2018

“The crisp morning air touches the bare skin of your face and hands and draws attention to the nostrils taking in its freshness. A deep exhilarating breath awakens the throat and lungs and sets the biological ball rolling for the pre-emptory movements about to happen for your body.
 Lazy ducks glide across the pane-glass surface of the pond; Willie wag tails and finches twitter and bob between the native trees of the surrounding parkland; and the grass shimmers with the touch of sunlight upon its dewiness. This same sunlight sends a lighted delicate glow all around. Ah Nature!”  T.M.

This is a perfect setting for beginning the practice of a Qigong session. 

Qigong, literally translates as life-force energy (qi, chi) cultivation, work or development. But in its doing, there is not meant to be any vision or intention of ‘work’ in the usual sense whatsoever. Like the lazy duck that glides across the pond, there is much more than meets the eye with qigong. ‘Lazy’ the duck is definitely not. For beneath the surface of the water, it is ‘working’ intuitively to move its streamlined body through the water. In its seeming effortlessness, it produces an image of ease, peace and detachment from obstructions or worldly affectations. And in this gliding, this natural activity, the duck paints a delicate yet profound wake upon the pond water; not a disturbing picture to behold, but an inspirational one where the yin and yang concepts are reflected in the ever-changing nature and play of light and shadow over the water.

Not only is the above introductory passage a pretty and poetic one, but also a perfect  mindset and attention to surrounding natural detail that sets the body’s internal scene for the acceptance of the innumerable benefits of Qigong. For not only do we gain physical benefits from this beautiful movement practice, but also on other levels of our being, very possibly all levels in fact – but who could possibly count them!?
The mind can find peace, clarity, stringent focus, and a newfound re-adjustment of the nervous system processes to allow for a more in-sync and fluid altering of old mindset patterns which have not served us well and can be discarded. Mindful and intentional practice can bring a natural ease to many systems of the body. But this is not meant to be a measurable thing – it is a very personal experiential one, as results vary and range in diversity from person to person.

There are lots of technicalities I could write about Qigong. I could tell you about the Yin and Yang Theory, the Five Elements Theory, the human meridian system that is an amazing and intricate part of our energy body framework that carries our life-force. There is a wonderful web of mythology and esotericality (is that a word? J) around it too. There is a real strength and antiquity about it as its roots come from the attention to primal, elemental and natural forces: these forces being both its inspiration and ours, as well as its purpose in re-connecting us with these pure forces, as opposed to the artificial ones imposed upon us or manipulated around us.  But, I have read about these all before and you probably have too.

But it is the intuitive, or natural, nature of Qigong that inspires me to write about it here and share the passion I have for you to know on a different and deep level of your being. . . your own poetic side.

Anything you do can be done in a Qigong way. Just immerse yourself fully, consciously, momentarily, in whatever your body is actively doing, or not doing. Recognise, and in that way, grow a new respect and understanding for your very own body’s real talent and subconscious effort to keep you alive and active and mobile.
Take a step – an actual physical step - and breathe, but not only ‘do’ that, be fully present ‘in’ that. Sense the angle of your knees, the weight shift and pressure as your foot takes you forward from the movement of your hip and the very first spark that ignites in your brain that decides you are physically and consciously going to place one foot in front of the other, in order to get you from one place to the next. Acknowledge every part of that sequence of mini-events that occur in your body from that very first intention to move all the way through to the culmination of the entire act of stepping!

We are incredibly complex beings of nature and we owe it to our true selves that are striving for balance and connectedness and true peace, to be not only aware of that , but of our unrealised potential as individuals as well as a race, of evolving and improving humanity and our own personal form of humanity.

Of course, we needn’t be so distracted looking internally that we forget what is around us. I am speaking of momentary inner viewing and awareness, but this state which can also be utilised in good Qigong practice to deliver vast enrichment of life itself and the flow through of that into our extension of the greater world of which we are a part – especially referring to the Natural world of course.

However, the realm of Qigong is not isolated to just the Chinese aspect of practice. For certain, it is at the traditional forefront in its history, complexity, beneficence and practical extension into our current world. But if its literal meaning is widened, then we can see that it also flows to include the native dance of Africans, the Whirling Dervish, the Native American Indians and more as you may notice for yourself.

So, Qigong, from my perspective? I am a born poetess. Poetry was my first love from a very young age: that natural flow of writing poetry and descriptive prose. Once I discovered the power of transformation and illustration of this medium, it gripped me forever! It has followed and detailed my heartfelt experiences through my own life and in viewing others; intricately and lovingly detailing the simplicity, trauma, love, hope and complexity of each stage and in relationships. Poetry is something that never fully leaves me and can always pop up when I least expect or at an impromptu moment, delivering a loving account of my inner experiences of the time. I am so grateful for this gift. 

And then came Qigong. I experience my practice as poetry in motion, literally. I sense my body movements in my nature spaces just as poetically as any words that may come to mind. How poetic the two forms are together and reflective of each other and expressions of the self both inner and outer. And Qigong itself inspires those words too. A friend of mine who also practices Qigong has reflected similarly and commented that 'moving in qigong is like moving through honey'. And it really is. When the mind and body become harmonised, focused and combine in the active movements of the body, there is that definite sensation of being in a surrounding viscous filled space, yet totally limitless and abundantly peaceful and aligned with the Universe and your Higher Self. Qigong may not be for everyone, but that is in itself, an aspect of the Nature of Life.

Grows yin on the outside and yang within.
Dragon swims
Crane flaps wings
Bear turns
And seasons begin
Lying in wait
A limitless process beyond humanly state
Enter True Nature that qigong does fulfil.

(All copyright T.M. 2016)

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