Tuesday 30 December 2014

A New Horizon

Weds 31st Dec 2014.

A New Horizon.

Well well well,
Greetings for the final time for 2014 Dear Ones
On The Universal Journey.

This year for me has been a very tumultuous one! And I am ready for its dregs to fade away as I focus more fully into the already newer, fresher vibrations of 2015. 

I look forward to a much more balanced and harmonious year within and without as I live in the upgraded and revised version of me.

But today, I also look back over my 2014 journal with more experienced eyes as to what I have actually come through, achieved, created and dissolved from me and the new seeds that I have planted – often unbeknown to me at the time. Massive!

You might find quiet resolve, comfort and enlightenment doing this same process.

Deep fresh breaths come and go much more easily.

New plans lay in wait just over the horizon – literally! As we await the dawn of the next year and all that it brings in bright promises and potential opportunities.

May you find much more wonder and joy from the true self that you are, than you can even dream of over that new horizon, Dear Ones.

Blessings of Light,

Starwhite Earthguide.

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