Wednesday 3 December 2014

Be Present.

Be Present.   Thurs 4th Dec.

Welcome again Dear Ones on
The Universal Journey.

A few words of wisdom today from Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

“  Time is an invention.
Now is a reality.
So much creativity is happening for the simple reason that we have withdrawn ourselves from the past and future.
Our whole energy remains blocked either in the past or in the future.
When you withdraw all your energy from past or future a tremendous explosion happens.
That explosion is creativity. “

Go well on your Universal Journey today. Try to keep your mind on present things – mindfulness is so valuable. And especially at this usually hectic time of year, keep this mindful focus on your own tasks to avoid being swept away in any unnecessary ones, or those of other people. Find some divinity in what you do each day . . . the world could do with more divine creativity.

Peace be yours

Starwhite Earthguide
focusing along The Universal Journey.

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