Thursday 18 December 2014

Time+Place+Gravity= 3D

Posted Fri 19th Dec 2014.

Wednesday 17th December 2014.
(8, 3 7= 18=9 = another day of opportunity to rebalance with some karmic respite.)

Time + Place + Gravity = 3D.

(galaxy pic from unknown source -  it's a spiral beauty -thank you)

Greetings and Salutations Dear Travellers on
The Universal Journey.
Pre-dawn this morning ( as most mornings begin for me lately) I was woken by an even stronger resonance of the electromagnetic field which surrounds our planet Earth. This resonance is usual every morning – a natural phenomenon which occurs for each and every living thing across the globe as the Earth turns and the Sun’s rising approaches and the field reverberates with its radiant energy, ahead of the actual dawning.
Many who practice qigong, tai chi and yoga are well aware of this and have been for many ages. For this is a strong rejuvenation time for the body to accept the energies of the new day and prepare for it.
But first I would like to write about the thoughts that came with this EM effect this morning. For this effect stimulates the creative part of the brain and the intuition and inner knowing. Just to remind you - this year has recorded unprecedented high solar activities like massive flares and sunspots. We are also being transmitted new light codes for our DNA to transmute and find resolutions to old patterns of behaviour and smatterings of old unneccesary karmic imbalances. . .from the ‘new Sunlight’. 

This week things around us are also amping up for 2 annual events (not only Christmas and all the wonderful Spirit that brings) but prior to that – this weekend – the Summer Solstice.
I had a short txt conversation with a student recently which led me to ask my ‘Higher Ups’ for some perspective, answers and clarity. And thus here it be this morning for me. So I hope you can relate too.
The equation I wrote as the title of this blog came after a gathering of mixed intuitive thoughts cascaded into my awareness:
Time + Place + Gravity = 3D
Now I know there will be lots of metaphysicians, new age learners and others who know or have said this already, but this clarified differently for me this morning after my queries last night. Think about this equation for a minute. Here as we have known life in our world since we were born, 3 constant things hold us in this dimension (Light I see as being a constant across all dimensions as it can be both a particle and a wave, transversing all):

Time – has been what helps the world of humanity co-exist in a form of synchronicity to support our ways of life and work; determining beginnings and endings, events and processes. This was a necessary part of a structured life that humankind desired to find a sense of not only control in a negative sense, but of security in his world.
But we are growing up.
Place – has always been about where we are, where we are heading towards, what we intend doing there – physical places and destinations for ourselves to be in or journey to and from.
Gravity – well where would our physical bodies and things be without it!? Obviously it keeps us, our feet on the ground and everything we have needed to use as well, so that we can function as we have been meant to.

I feel new light codes are altering all of this equation within us and for us to enable us to comprehend the next dimension we are already surrounded and having filter through us.

Now, the extent of this is immeasurable of course. Everyone differs to their own degree, so keep that in mind as a matter of compassion. But as usual with spiritual changes , if you are made aware of something, whether you agree with it or not, it triggers a line of questioning within you that leads you to the ultimate truth of your situation, if you take the time and effort to do so. . .which is always worthwhile.

So, along the line that we are learning (even if subconsciously) to have less dependency on the 3 key points of time, place and gravity, then we are lead into a greater unknown region, yet very exciting! We can begin, with mindful awareness, to explore our new realm of unbounded freedom. But gently as baby steps in new territory.
I want to direct thoughts towards what we can do with this new talent that is awakening daily. We are aware because we can not only be just thinking of ourselves and our own development and growth, but more big pictured and big hearted than that – we can build on the ideas and knowledge that our prayers and good and high level intentions can be better manifested and fulfilled for the highest good of all.

With our newer level trips into the next levels of dimensions as well as being, consider remote viewing. Now more than ever, if we can be in a totally relaxed and open hearted aura of lightness as in meditation or particular stages of sleep, we can visit other places, be with other people  on a clearer, stronger level of experience of remote viewing. But take that to the next level and we can become engaged in the scenes we find ourselves within – for the betterment of all involved. For it is without the ego that we travel this way – it is as pure Spirit that we do so, so it is only of the highest regard and Divine Intention that we can be involved. And it will be offered as a calling for us to do so at a particular event or situation, not being about our own judgement of it, but the higher calling and often as I have experienced, spontaneous, without prior notice or even an idea of something that is actually happening until we ‘get there’.
Imagine the great healing we could do, the resolution of situations and relationships , which can be healed and lovingly cared for. I have experienced this several times in visiting this way as relatives are about to pass over. It is such a great loving and humbling experience that there are no words to portray.

So, with the increased ability to remote view and travel spiritually/consciously due to the decreased effects upon us of time, place and gravity, due to the ongoing changes within our structured multi-layered selves, we are able to assist in the most intuitive and God-connected way – a next step up from prayer and sending healing as was usual.

BUT , we need to be ever mindful and true to our highest Divine Nature as we step gently on this new ‘ground’. Negativity will not be allowed here as we are in line with hthis, working on our own truthful nature to come to the fore as our life accomplishment , and live that as best we can.

Letting go of these perceptions can allow us to more fully recognise where we really come from and where we will all return, to the non-illusion of life, and all encompassing and all permeating Love of and from the Source.

This week in particular however, this energy sweep and influx from the EM resonance and Sun combinations, has been most noticeable and intensified as Summer solstice approaches, but also for people more locally in this country due to a focused event in Sydney which disturbed many.

I have noticed before that often in days prior to an equinox or solstice, an event will occur. These events are reciprocative in that it is due to the amping up of energies that brings things to a head, but also because sometimes these amped up energies within us are not distributed or disbursed effectively in a direction for positive and uplifting and healing humanitarian ways. It can be the quite opposite, as the energies are pent up within and released after tensions and triggers mount. Sad, but so it can happen.

So now as you recall, there has been unprecedented recordings of such high magnitude solar activity throughout 2014. And you will also recall that we are being swept with new Light Codes from the Sun. Now, if you have any doubts about this, just try to really attune with that EM field phenomenon in the mornings for yourself. It may take a few days before you really sense it, but once you do, it is quite tangible in its effects. It can cause irritability, restlessness and a need to get up and actively move your body – this is a natural response by your cells to this awakening process and should be followed to allow the new day to percolate through you – it is there for you! Let your mitochondria rejoice and jiggle in their joy of this new day’s arrival! Go and greet the Sun rising with gentle mindful movement, stretching and breathing.

Enjoy this next leg of
The Universal Journey.

Blessings from Starwhite Earthguide.

( my nautilus fossil - 'as above so below')

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