Sunday 21 December 2014

Summer Solstice & New Moon 2014

22nd December 2014, Summer Solstice and New Moon.

Hello and Greetings All on
The Universal Journey.

Well, we made it through this turbulent year! This may possibly be my final entry for 2014 (but who knows!)

Heartfelt farewells to those who have passed over - souls in  transition - may the Angels take them swiftly safely and soundly to that Divine place from where we all come and to where we all will return.

But for you today Be totally present in each and every precious moment. Laugh and lift off the load and let the New Moon take it away, dissolved and healed.

A few words come to mind : integrating, communicative, focussed, intent, intense, loving, appreciative, intuitive, graceful, directed, blissful, joyful, calm.

Today as Solstice dawns fresh and awash with  a new light a new glow. Breathe it into your Soul.

Reflect on this past year you have experienced.

Digest the things you have learned and healing you have attained.

Integrate the new energies coming and abundantly blessed with great hopeful new opportunities to rediscover the liberated new self - you - that has emerged from this past year.

Make the most of this opportunity for yourself in preparation for the New Year to come.
As its number of 8 resonates (2+0+1+5=8), it forecasts to be a more balanced, or at least bringing into balance that which was brought unbalanced this year during the intense healing and resolution processes. It also heightens the interconnectedness on multiple levels externally as well as within our own several energy bodies. (Next year in turn lines us up for a nine year to follow levelling out further to reset oursleves more free of any karmic remnants and heading towards the 10 of endings and beginnings.)

So, I woke pre-dawn with the EM field vibrations, rose and went to meditate back into a beautiful place from my memories of a calm and tranquil seaside with my accompanying crystals which had shared my experience. Then urged to my usual qigong session which was very strong with smatterings of stillness (kong) amongst the very slow moves. A few points came to mind, and then a new poem – my own affirmation of exactly where I am at right now and for me to reflect back upon in the coming months for reassurance, balance and realignment to myself from this empowered place within me that has risen out of 2014’s rocky road.

Now with the energies remaining most strong over the next couple of days, I wish for you to make the most of that in projecting the refreshed version of your true self made clearer by these surrounding energies.

Enjoy loving and uplifting communications and sharing . . . write yourself an affirmation.
 Take time out  in a beautiful natural setting , connect with your inner self and write an affirmation that comes from your core, your essence.

It is not a  new years resolution. It is a strong confirmation of where you are at right now in this energy portal – the true essence of you, of where you have come from and through this year which has reaffirmed who you are and are growing into. It is an affirmation to prepare you for the coming new year vibration of balance and harmony, so begin it within yourself (even if it doesn’t seem to last afterwards, it will remain at your core) so that it can filter through your world and interpenetrate your months to come. Take care with the words you use – they will be sensed as right and precise for you as you write with no negative connotations at all.

Have fun preparing for the next leg of your Universal Journey!

Take care, God Bless and Bliss be yours,
Starwhite Earthguide

The Universal Journey’s end for 2014 and looking most optomistically into 2015 as its energies overlap and it begins already! Cheers!

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