Thursday 11 December 2014

The Amazing Power of Flowers

Friday Dec 12th 2014.
The Amazing Power of Flowers.

Hello Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey.

For me there are times in my life when I need some emotional support in a very different way. Times when no matter what I do, or how many reassurances I hear or light hearted people are, or supportive they are, or full of loving suggestions, my spirit is in need of something else. . . a vibratory  essence for healing the unbalanced vibration of me. Or I should say, a blend of vibratory essences that resonate at that particular time for my emotional and general spirit of well being.
Australian Bush Flower Remedies are that magic little bottle of wonder. Barely minutes pass after taking a small amount of the blend and I am feeling back to myself again. But calmer, focused, balanced and re-aligned. My trouble is, sometimes I feel so out of balance that I forget about these precious elixirs!. . .until a nudge from the Spirit side reminds me so.
Having been physically unwell for some time and gradually getting back on track , the emotions have taken a bit of a toll too, hence my visit for this beautiful flower power potion!
Flowers are mysterious delicate little pots of hidden elemental healing. And what a blessing they are. The Bach flower Remedies likewise. How amazing for their discoverers that this is so. And so on down the years for us now to utilise and appreciate. The Bach Remedies have been around since early last century (I think) and the Australian ones are more recent, but for us Aussies, very apt. Hence there are the flowers of the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere. Great balance. For the latest treatment, I was asked to withdraw a number of picture cards of the Australian native bushflowers – the ones that stood out for me. Narrowing it down to only a few. And how they stood out for me! Just viewing them felt soothing at that point and so to take them was blissful for my state of being. It was not just their colours but also their entire appearance, shape and textures. Certainly vibrational medicine for sure is such an effective way to go for me at this point.
Flowers in bunches and arrangements given for whatever reason as a gift are always a gift of healing as well as beauty. As are those grown in flower loving gardens. Birds and butterflies love them too and sometimes even my dog does!
So next time you see any flowers around growing naturally, or in your vase or garden, try to look at them in a different way. See them with new eyes, see their beauty and note their scent, their colour, their textures and then really see them as mysterious little pots of hidden elemental healing. And for those people out there who work with these already – this is no news for you of course!

More flower power to us!
Starwhite Earthguide on

The Universal Journey.

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