Sunday 4 January 2015

Full Moon and a Special Day

Monday 5th January.

Full Moon and a very dear one turns 101!

Greetings Dear Ones,

Big hugs to greet you on your return to my blog and to begin 2015!

Today is very auspicious as the title already announces.

A full moon is always beneficial to be under: to place crystals for cleansing and recharging; and for completion of some of those niggly things that are waiting to be finalised or at least decided upon. I woke with some of those today myself.

Today is also a good one for more sincere healing on yourself. Take what ever time you can muster as your working year perhaps begins – to be in a holy and reverent silence and let your inner self take a deep cleansing breath as you let go of the outer world around you and delve a little into your inner world. Ask your true self what you are in need of right now to help you heal anything that is in need of healing, then just ‘let it be done’ then and there under this full moon energy.

If it is a stubborn thing, you may need to call upon a little higher help, so the Angels are always waiting around you, just ask them. There are also great healers in Spirit, just ask them. And of course there are also great spiritual healers incarnated in the physical around you, just ask them.

Be Blessed and Loving
And know that you are very much loved in All-Ways,

Starwhite Earthguide

 On The Universal Journey as it begins for 2015.

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