Friday 23 March 2018

Autumnal Equinox After-Notes

Equinox After-notes. . .

NB an anagram of notes = After-tones offering musical /harmonic images. I so love that words can do that!

Greetings Beautiful Awakening People on The Universal Journey!

How incredible Life can become when you consciously, heartfully, recognise and then align with any new incoming energies. Aaahhhh – humbly - blissful.

The way my previous 10 days was accumulating energies, holding several very strong meditation ceremonial sessions for the Autumnal Equinox with different groups, as well as a perfect balance of qigong & its visualisations, which always helps to integrate & process any changes internal or external, I wondered if I could be focussed enough in the 3rd dimensional world to begin my newest adventure within that! But as usual, all my “Guys Upstairs” (and by that I also mean feminine, masculine and everything in between!) were right onto that for me! Gotta love ‘em .

I recently read, and many of us know, that if you claim to ‘be’ something, like a teacher, or a healer or whatever, then along with that alignment that you are projecting, comes the related ‘trainings’, realisations and humility lessons! So that if you think you are labelled as something, then you are virtually being given the whole circumference of aspects of that subject. Does that make sense?

So, for example, in being named a teacher, and really consciously knowing that – you also find that you are not only learning how to become a good teacher, but also a good student, hence humility, patience, tolerance and so much more! And the range and variation of learning and perfecting (?) that is infinite. It’s like a balancing act that is out of our hands entirely. So if you can open and allow this wonderful range of experiences to evolve in your inner world, it becomes a great portal in your outer world!
So the more obvious challenge is to be continually open to these incoming situations, relationships etc that arrive with this evolutionary process.

Another most beautiful thing that I experienced this week, apart from joining with most beautiful souls in classes & a weekend wellness workshop: I re-met Yogananda. (Hence I type in the colour I recognise him in – which also matches Autumn)

 I was first introduced to him, or his energy signature frequency, many years ago during a massive awakening process lasting several months in suspended Time and Reality (both of which are all relative! Hahaha)  during a massive cosmic event and portal opening. Anyway, the soft gentle loving vibration that I felt with Paramahansa Yogananda came again & touched my heart to tears around this current Equinox time. Along with him was Quan Yin & supporting energies from specific symbols. It seems a bit confusing or complex as I write it now, but all fell into place perfectly at significant times & in particular companies of souls.

So, if this Equinox has opened a bigger picture to new dimensions for you – go with it all! Use your intuition as much as possible. It is all well and good to listen and heed your Guides, and I do that too, but they are also wanting you to become more confident & strong in your own personal energetic purpose, higher intuitive guidance and figure things out for yourself – even when they can be giving you some assistance , hahaha! This is very empowering for you.

Yes, these current years have seen the thinning of the veil between realms, dimensions, Beings. But that also means that you can access other aspects of your own multidimensional Self. . . and that process, realisation and awakening is beyond words. We are also learning to become an engaging race of interactive cosmic beings – so I encourage you to accept and open to that especially if it is a new concept for you. We are creating, no, co-creating our new world of higher vibrations to become that bigger part of ourselves in harmony with all others.

Take that in. Be empowered in your own Higher self and all that can expand for you to totally broaden your horizons more than you ever expected. SO don’t ‘expect’ – just release expectations and particular ways of how things may happen for you like the leaves of beautiful Autumn and flutter on the breeze to wherever you will be taken. There is great awesome surprise in this freedom that comes by letting these human mind-sets go. Being moved gently, safely, most intentionally by the Higher Guiding Forces that you are a part of.

Blessed Be You Dear Ones
The Universal Journey x <3 x

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