Wednesday 7 March 2018

Celtic Cloth Dancing

8.3. 2018
Today's Numbers Beginning and ending with the 8 of perfect Balance.

Greetings on The Universal Journey!

Nature is awesome. . . and when we are able and allow ourselves to truly deeply connect with all that She is – then we are embodying that awesomeness along with Her.

Today I took my Celtic cloth from my meditation table and went to my yard.

I stood upon the deeply grounding bedrock in my bare feet.

I looked up to the grey windswept sky.

I opened out my green patterned cloth and waited for the winds of change to pass by.

I lifted my cloth high as I could and it caught the winds of change as they swept and blew.

I swooped my cloth and swept my cloth until my arms tired, dancing it to the winds.

I then took it back inside and swept and danced with it into every room.

I laughed at how funny & crazy other people would think me! Then I laughed more!

I stood with my cloth and draped it around me like a new cloak; nestled, absorbing, settling, sensing, resting, safe, comforted.

Amidst deep clear breaths I returned my cloth to my meditation table to settle in.

And then the rain returned outside with its dappled beating to help in the manifesting of the new wishes & dreams – unspoken, and somewhat even unknown.

She brings in the new vibrations to come.

Those that are blowing in for Autumn, for change, for renewal, for flow.

Aah all is blissful in Nature, just go with the shifts and changes, rather than against them to suit your own will. That is what she is there for. She gives you hints and nudges, and sometimes flat out smacks. You will find much less struggle and less blockages to be undone later!


And so it is and so it shall be.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you! I had a wonderful time. And the wind continues to blow. So nice to hear from you <3
