Thursday 15 March 2018

Threshold Preps for the Autumnal Equinox.2018.


There is a doorway approaching; a portal to enable balance & a threshold over which to pass, granting a fresh perspective of your Life from the recent months before & a more profound immersion, to bathe in the present & wade into the new Season of Autumn. Autumnal Equinox.

My meditations this week, as can often happen, begin to align with this portal. New Guides may announce themselves. New Animal Totems too. New colours draw your attention, or just the quickening that can be felt, has the opposite necessity for slowing down, focus & just being present & grounded.

A key quality of any Equinox is balance. As all equinoxes, this is the time of equal length of day as night. It is relative to the quarter phase of the moon (half in dark half in light); the ebb of the out-going tide before it begins to turn in the opposite direction; the pause after we have taken an out-breath before we take an in-breath; a segment of the yin yang symbol of cycles denoting the midway point as each is turning into the other.

From another aspect of the balancing effect, are the numbers for the Equinox - 
21.3.2018=  3 + 3 + 11 = 3+3+ 2 = 8. 
8's for me totally mean balance as well infinite possibilities.
Notice there are 2 x 3's and when we reflect one to the other & bring them together , they - by way of their design - form an 8. An even greater vibration of a higher balance, alignment, opportunities and harmony. And with the final 8 being the total for the day. And the year currently, as it continues to be, a portal represented as the 11, before reducing to a 2.

In our general life, a time of brief pause, taking stock somewhat of where our initial creations & manifestations of the beginning of the year has brought us, before we move deeper into the next quadrant of the year following those steps.

Or, perhaps we need to make a few adjustments, a few changes, delete a few things or tweak a few things as we are going along now. There can be a clearer perception of where we are going now as we have time to pause and review our life choices and steps so far. Life is still in flux, so a pause is a perfect point of reference to open your awareness objectively and allow for changes & adjustments.

For us here in Australia, we have Autumn as our Easter time. The weather is usually cooling – and we can feel it especially in the mornings & late evenings. Plants begin a shift in their own cycles, as any avid gardener will tell you! Even the birds may sing or call a little differently; and the stars have drifted into different alignments and positions. because our precious planet is tilting towards the opposite direction that is has been in the previous months! And so our Sun's dawning, traversing and setting placements of course change with the new course in motion.

Drink it all in and sink your feet into the earth or waters of Nature. Connect a little more deeply with Mother Earth for this day or two at Equinox (20th/21st). I know from experience that some people sense the shift a little ahead of the actual human calendar date, or exactly on it, or a little after. No matter the human timing, it is of your own body that you will ‘hear’ or feel the call to do whatever it is that assists you, as you ask to align with this reference point of the seasons. And just go with that. Someone right beside you may be called to do something very different. And so it often is!

Any which way, this weekend, I suggest you become still & clear your mind – preferably out in nature with your head beneath the open sky. As we are at the threshold of the Equinox, arriving next week. Take stock by grounding as well as you can, of where you are in the Grand Plan, and in your own life. Then ask for divine higher guidance as to what best works for you right now for the equinox portal. Then create your own private ceremony, or just make a simple notice of awareness to the Universe, or you may be urged to join in a more open gathering.

[If you are local to me (contact via my FB page below) then you may like to enquire about my group plans for this event. ]

So divine blessings & guidance to you for your Equinox preparations

On The Universal Journey

Starwhite Healing and Guidance


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