Thursday 9 October 2014

Collecting More Shiny Pebbles.

Friday 10th October 2014.

Collecting More Shiny Pebbles.

Hello Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Well, I have been out collecting more ‘shiny pebbles’ (as I wrote of in my last blog).

I have been out journeying over past weeks through the beautiful Aussie countryside as I have done many times and will no doubt do again.

I ranged beneath blue skies, sometimes artisticly clouded, and other times grey; amidst traffic dust and noise; and in solitude amidst lush green pastures dotted with generously proportioned cows (I love cows) whom I smiled to as I breezed by upon straight and winding roadways.

I took deep soul repairing breaths from gentle, calm, duck-homed and fish-jumping creek-side spots of enchanting and detailed beauty.

I walked beside sometimes blustery and at other times sparklingly sunlit lake and sea-side shores.

I greeted with new-found wonder, the broad, rugged and bush-covered escarpment that borders the coastal town and is ever in view as I spent my days around there.

And much more.

And my biggest shiny pebble that lies deeply nestled in my pocket:

                                     Truth lives in Nature

– everywhere I look. And even if it may have been obvious before, sometimes we all need reminding.

It is that Universal Truth that is recognised instantly by the Soul and nourishes the Spirit, especially if we have not realised that we have been feeling lost or strayed.

So there are many more little shiny pebbles in my pockets now. They never weigh me down, but on the contrary, lift me up.

I hope you have found some for yourself.

Be well and watchful Dear Ones as you step out on The Universal Journey.

Blessings ,

Starwhite Earthguide.

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