Monday 15 September 2014

Lots of Shiny Pebbles

A previous post - but pertinent today after a Native American style drumming meditation session last night - enjoy.

Lots of Shiny Pebbles.

Tues 16th Sept 2014.

Dear Universal Journeyers,

On many occasions along my current life-line, I have been visited by those Guides whom I call my ‘Uncles’ who are in Spirit. I have a lot of history with them in both the physical and the Spiritual realms, this life and past. They are a group of Native Americans with deep deep love and affection, wisdom, and often a remarkable way of presenting an idea or philosophy in a very unexpected way. Their beautiful messages set my heart to pounding in my chest as my heart recognises them and responds in kind to their vibrations. It is always such a comforting and very real experience when they arrive – usually unexpectedly but always very welcome.

There is one main Uncle Guide who drops by at times with the most profound words of enlightenment which I carefully write down as clearly as I can. These words always find ongoing and ever expansive meanings as time goes by and in that, I am truly humbly honoured to be able to have noted them and received them so well. I also usually share these with my group and have included a little in my poetry books.

Amongst these precious words are the vibrations of ancient underlying understanding of the humanity of us all and our need to be uplifted and comforted and encouraged to move along The Universal Journey in great peace and with an ever open heart and mind. Surprises and little miracles abound if we find that inner peace and really ‘look’ outward from there. Look past all the murkiness around to see the wonder and beauty that is really our inheritance from the Earth and the Ancients who guarded and aligned with her.

So as to the title of this blog today,  “Lots of Shiny Pebbles”, are words that come from one of those deeply moving poems from my Spirit Uncles. It refers to us envisioning, gazing into a stream where there are a mixture of stones lying on the bottom. But amongst those are ones which stand out to be noticed and given attention – the shiny ones . These are those special little unexpected gems that we may need a little focus to see, but once you see them, they stand out to your heart and your vision very well and creates a curiosity within you that urges you to further seek out more. 

They are shiny pebbles of wisdom embedded with truth. Truth that your heart responds to and to which your Soul resounds with joy that you have found. 

Be watchful for these shiny pebbles in these days of such unknowns and turmoil that can surround us. They are more valuable than you know and can help you along The Universal Journey for more than for just that one instance that you find it. Take it with you and pull it out of your pocket to remind you of the great Loving Divine Intelligence and Spirit that permeates all things and carries us when we think we are lost. This is a blessing to just realise this for yourself –  for as many times as you need reminding, there is no limit, for we are still human and do need reminding.

So blessed be your day on The Universal Journey, step lightly yet firmly, be gentle with yourself and keep your eyes open for those shiny pebbles of truth.

Starwhite Earthguide.

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