Sunday 12 October 2014

Rock and Rolling On

Monday 13th October 2014.

Greetings to You All on The Universal Journey. . .  and my, hasn’t it been a rocky road this year!

After the 3 Supermoons and now last week the blood moon as well (plus all the other intermittent astrological and astrophysical effects which seem to be more potent these days) , I hope you have been able to navigate yourselves a little through the ups and downs of it all! Although it seems that it is exactly that it is our navigational systems which are being overhauled!

Not only have the energies been so varied within us at different times with the sorting and re-aligning and re-adjusting to our physical because of that – but also the great diversity of effects that it is all causing to our environments and planet at large. To me, we and everything in our lives and around us is being re-navigated, re-directed as we set up a ‘new shop’.

Different people are sensing the alterations and incomings in such different ways, and I know that at times it is all I can do to keep myself moving and in some kind of balanced place! Of course qigong helps with the direct contact with Nature so that we keep aligned with Her rather than being rocked back and forth away from her as necessary, as do many other techniques available to us as well as assistance from healers around us – all to keep us moving into our appropriate vibrational levels as we rise. But then there are times when meditation works and times when it is too awkward to just sit quietly. We are all finding our new ways as well as new ways to do the old things and very diversely from each other. I might try to write a little more next time on re-alignment practices which may assist.

As best you are able and go gently on yourselves. Remember that LOVE in its great diversity of forms, begins most strongly when it can come from that within our own selves first.

Blessings on
The Universal Journey 
to you and your loved ones.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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