Tuesday 28 October 2014

Life-Lines and Light Houses

‘Lifelines’  and ‘Light Houses’ – to help balance and align.


Dear Dear Ones
On The Universal Journey.

Greetings and warm regards to you all.

What an immense time we are having. As I mentioned previously, I would like to give a few suggestions to assist your balancing and alignment as we all are enveloped by the intense energies of the Photon Belt and multitude of solar flare activity and our Mother Earth’s combines heaves and throws with our own. There is a pattern, believe it or not! Sometimes we are just too caught up in the loop or unravelling the knots to see the bigger picture. But there is also immense unconditional and divine-sent love around for us to absorb as well.

Sometimes I feel like a tiny cork bobbing on such a very rough ocean. But remember we are all bobbing together! Or sometimes like being on the end of a string of a kite in a gale force wind! Or on a rollercoaster racing along for too long. But Lifelines and Light Houses are out there for us - above, around and below!

So I hope some of these ideas will be of assistance for you and some you will know already, but perhaps others have been forgotten. And it will also depend on just ‘what ‘ you are here on our precious planet to do as to which ideas can help. Also if something new or old is working for you , share it with others as they might be struggling to find a solution themselves.

Try to be open to whatever your inner self or intuition is telling you. If you need to just drop everything and go for a walk or lie on the earth, then take the very next opportunity that you get, to do so. I understand that people are so busy with work and families. But do take a few moments to stop and breathe and follow your inner guidance. Sometimes if not, then a restlessness comes to the Spirit and it is difficult to continue functioning anyway until things correct themselves.
I know many of you will already know this. But after a recent email I received, I have been reminded of a couple of things myself.
Know that the gossamer-like fabric between worlds is much much thinner. This can allow us to pass more simply and easily through to those worlds where and when we are called to do so now. This may come as a surprise or it may be just something that happens in your sleep. But it is much more common now and more regular for those people who are here to do interdimensional healing and bring in those change of energies.

Keep in touch even if only briefly or in a simple way with like-hearted people to uplift each other and laugh!

Do qigong or tai chi out in an open green space or parkland. Walk (not jog) so that your feet can feel the terra beneath.

Lie or sit on the Earth whenever possible. Even for some people whose response may be that if they get down that low on the ground they have pain or trouble getting back up! If you take your time you may be surprised, once you have let yourself completely go and ‘sink’ into the ground that it may be easier than you think with rewards well worth the effort and encouragement to re-visit.

Be by the ocean and breathe in its rhythm. And if it becomes windy, breathe slowly and find a calm centre within you, or let the breeze blow your troubles away!

Imagine the lines of symmetry down the length of your body : one central channel right down the middle and one channel either side passing down from each shoulder down each leg. The images of these can help bring a clearer focus for your mind too.

Breathe and take deep steady breaths throughout your day.

Sometimes crystals will help and other times seemingly not so. Use your guidance. Perhaps they too are experiencing changes of their own at this time. So just ask and be aware.
Soak your feet in salty water for a short time. A couple of times a week if possible.
Please try not to let the fears created by media (or people around you) get into your aura.

Aura cleansing is even more important daily and where possible more often than that especially if headed to or even in, difficult situations. Often we can carry around unnecessary baggage without realising.

If one form of meditation just doesn’t cut it at this point – try a new form! You may pick up the old well loved one at a later date when energies re-shift again. But do be open to new ways too.

Well that’s all I have for now.
Keyword for today –
Like those images of a Light House or Life-line. It is there.

So go well , laugh , cry to release any tensions and love yourself and others.
Starwhite Earthguide signing off for now with love and blessings to you all on
The Universal Journey.

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