Wednesday 2 July 2014

Winter: Contemplating the Nature of Change

3rd July.

Greetings to You on The Universal Journey.

Well, the world is very chilly around here at the moment so it seems winter has decided to arrive a little later than usual. Still pretty dry though, but makes for lovely warm days in between the cold fire-side nights. A good time for contemplating Life and the wonder of Nature.

Sadly though there are areas around the globe and perhaps around you that are being interrupted by sounds of vegetation being felled and mulched, land being bull-dozered and dug up. Pockets of development happening. Ahh qe sera sera. (sigh)
Fortunately there is still much of our natural forested areas remaining and hope for it to remain so.

Change is inevitable as we travel our Universal Journey of course. It is also a gauge for us to reflect on just how we are able to adapt or adjust when it is out of our realm to do anything about. We can always pray, or project our higher vibrational thoughts towards a situation; use Reiki techniques and Qigong and Feng Shui to enhance ourselves and our environment too.

Below is a passage I wrote some years ago on change during early times teaching Qigong which is still  relative today and may be applicable along your own way. 


“ The one thing that remains constant in life . . .is change.”

(quote from the honourable Lao Tze ( Lao Tzu) from the ‘Tao te Ching’.)

The constancy of life endures because of cycles , and cycles within cycles.

Native Americans also hold sacred the circle as the strength of Life that flows in that form. From the shape of wind at its most powerful as a tornado, to the gentleness of a birds nest for care and nurturing, and to the passage of the Sun around the Earth (or moreover, us around it).

Nature herself is amazing , ever changing and can teach us so much about how we can live and evolve in harmony and balance.

As a qigong/spiritual teacher , I  have grown from a yearning to be such a conscious part of the ever changing,  growing creative energies of our beautiful planet in all her glory, and therefore in as much of mine as I can muster , and pass that on as inspiration to my students. Life , growth, change and dissolving away are the natural process of all living things . But it is how we move through these periods that can be either smooth or bumpy. It is our choice.

There is another saying that I learned studying Reiki:  “ There is nothing special about what I do each day. I only keep myself in harmony with it. “

Now , as simple , yet profound as these words are,  there is nothing simple about the process required to get there,  yet in the simplicity of itself.

As humans , we make our lives complicated – with rules, agendas (some even unconsciously known to us), behavior patterns, beliefs, fears , anxieties , etc etc .

Though the simplicity of life, in harmony with itself as a universal principal, may seem to be an  unrealistic idea to apply to our own personal lives,  it is really an achievable one . The ability to bring harmony to yourself and as  support for you during energy and life changes, is possible.

It first has to come from a need; a desire from the Heart and Soul to create this pattern of harmony within you and therefore have it flow throughout your life, in every way.

Tuning in to your natural gift and blessing of intuition that we are ALL born with – and which gets stuffed away somewhere or goes on unheeded for much of our time – is the key.

As we are all aware – and growing more conclusively by the week – a change is needed in the world, to move towards a much more soul enriching and spiritually rewarding source of existence from within our selves. This is one which flows with, not against the natural energy cycles of our selves, our life plans and our world as an evolutionary process towards our highest good, to fulfill our greatest potential.

By discovering your own personal feng shui energies within and around you , your own personal peace can be a constant reality.

Opening your mind as you open your arms; gently pushing away or drawing in to provide balance – all these things can combine  in the mindful practice of qigong. It is the cultivation of chi (qi) , our life-force energy which gives all things life and returns to the ethers in its cyclic pattern. It is a means of opening to your gift of intuition, your yin and yang and flowing with your life’s cycles and changes.

Yin and Yang are the basic opposing , yet perfectly synchronized combination of energies. Evenly divided, a little of one always within the other and constantly changing, morphing , transforming from one to the other and those they touch.

Growing from this comes The Five Elements Theory. Here,  fire, metal, water, wood and earth each co-dependent on the other in the cycles of creation as well as dissolution or destruction. This is ever constant and ever evolving and growing our natural world. The energy is never lost – just recycled, and fluidity of life - balance of life -  can come from tuning in to the natural cycles and working with and not against them.        "

Fare Well on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide. 

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