Sunday 6 July 2014

Timely Reminders of Service

Mon 7th July. 

Hello Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Today I will speak of a very significant reminder I have had this weekend.

Apart from a touching story of personal experience a lovely spiritual speaker gave about the special animals and the connections they created for her with humans, was her message to remind us as Spiritual Workers to keep up to The Calling. 

It has cast me back to remind me of my own deep Calling. This is the one that gets swamped by insignificant daily things that overrun me; the Calling that came at such an early age; the Calling that has kept me on a steady course when I remember to embrace it; the same Calling that has guided me faithfully , clearly and securely along my Universal Journey.

Let this be a reminder of this Calling of your own.

No matter what its direction, I have been seen safely guided to shore, time and again. Having been washed up, cleansed, re nourished in its ever-so-patient embrace, gently (and sometimes not so gently, mostly due to getting in my own way!) encouraged and returned to Journey again , feeling childlike and humbled by the experience and more open awareness that it has created within me. 

It is that deep incomprehensible, uncompromising Divine Intelligence that we seek, that seeks us, that holds our hand and guides us – unerringly in its complete wisdom and love – for as the speaker also reminded us – there is no Wisdom without Love, for it is the Love aspect from which Wisdom comes. How else can the Universe function , for from Love we come and to Love we leave, and for all things in between to dwell and grow.

It is also of our greatest importance that we continue our spiritual work however that finds us, in Love and Kindness. For we have no idea, in the Great Divine Scheme of All Things, what effects culminate from this work. No matter how humble or insignificant it may seem to us from our limited perspective perched in our miniscule corner of the Universe, it all goes out in wider and wider circles like ripples on a pond. We may never know the full extent, not only through space but also through time. So remind yourself of how powerful and significant we are.

So I leave you for now in much Love and Wisdom – all enduring.

Starwhite Earthguide

progressing along The Universal Journey. 

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