Thursday 31 July 2014

Patience and Clarity

1st August 2014.   (Welcome to a new month and a new phase once again!)

Dear Ones on The Universal Journey,

How it lifts my heart when I come across comments during my day from other Lightworkers across the planet whose intuitive or channeled guidance correlates and synchronises with my own intuitions simultaneously , as we sense the energetic vibrations surrounding and permeating through us.  All part of further evidence of the Higher Powers That Be – and within us - aligning us all . . . I love it!

As I responded recently to someone : 
” We are all here to help each other”.

A couple of key words that I have noticed since writing my previous blog entry in “Seek. . .Virtues” , have been the words “PATIENCE” and “CLARITY”.

These two words as I read them together now sound like sisters! Caring, loving, guiding, expressive, sisters. Hand in hand, one can bring about the other, and vice versa; dear sisters of the Soul who are there for us to learn alongside and to have them bring about a greater wisdom to our lives as we walk The Universal Journey. 

Perhaps meditate on these two for yourself; take them into your Sacred Circle (see my blog entry 22.7.14) ; remind yourself of them during the day; breathe them into your envronment and into your minutes before you drop off to sleep; then as you wake and before your day begins; write them down on paper notes to remind you of their gift. Bring them into the creativity – your creative processes - of your world.

Enjoy your own version of life with renewed patience and clarity. . . as I will look forward to discovering more fully for myself.

Blessings to you all on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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