Thursday 24 July 2014

Seek. . . Virtues

25th July 2014.

Greetings All as you continue on The Universal Journey.

At this point I hope that you have been able to glean a little,  if not more than a little,  to help you along your way from my personal notes and reflections on this blogsite. 

Time is changing, the world is changing, and as the collective group of Universal students and Galactic Participants that we are – everything about us – humanity - is changing – even if barely perceptable, yet inevitable, and always Divinely guided.

Breathe deeply.
Seek to    see clearly,
                            hear truly,
                                       speak caringly,
                                                         act wisely.
Love - despite fault or failure.
See the Divine in All – even if it is buried far beneath the surface.
And seek to increase the Virtue of Patience as all else seeks to increase its velocity around us.

Love and Blessings on
The Universal Journey,
Starwhite Earthguide.

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