Saturday 28 June 2014

'New Shoes'

Sunday 29th June .

The Universal Journey continues.

Hello Dear People, Greetings from Starwhite Earthguide.

Well I hope you are not wearing out too many shoes on your Journey so far!  

This year is turning out to be a real doosie! With so much rolling over (and continuing) from past energy sheddings and alternate possibilities for life-paths, plus relinquishing of old behaviour patterns and karmic or contracted agreements from past life or pre-life and midst-life consults – we are so being re-written! The great challenge comes from endevouring to actually live from and put into practice, our new ways of being in the current world , as directions ( of others and the world at large) alter and convolute around us. Practice makes perfect :)

Take time to breathe deeply and steadily.

Take time to pause and drink in the Natural World around you.

If you cannot get out into Mother Nature, revisit old memories of such times as you have had before to keep that connection alive within you.

Remember, that others around you are also going through shifts and changes and are probably not aware of that. Try to have patience and understanding as ‘awakenings’ can occur spontaneously in the correct environment for people.

Be helpful but also be in your own space as much as possible. 

Qigong – Feng Shui practices can help you adjust your environment and for those around you. But do not set high expectations , just relax and allow the qi energies to flow and blend.  Qi has an intelligence of its own. 

Remember Qigong is like Feng-Shui for the body and as tranfers of energies occur between you and your surroundings, be patient, practice and ‘walk away’ to allow the processes to occur, if it is right and best for them to do so.

It is all well and good to have an understanding that we are now ‘co-creators’ of our upcoming world of a higher vibration. But, hand in hand with that comes responsibility and wisdom that does not need to be forced upon others, no matter what our new belief systems may be. 

There may not even be a new belief system for some of you soon. . . all a part of growing up and expanding beyond old paradigms of expectation and thought. 

Continue to let yourself be intrigued, inspired and curious about the mysteries of the Universe, God (or whomever Great Power/Creator you pray to) and Mother Nature. This wonderment of our child-like nature of us as humans is a real gift to be embraced. Plain knowledge is sometimes not all it is cracked up to be!

So, go well , safely and soundly as you continue to tread your own Universal Journey.

Blessings of peace and wonderment be with you.

Signing off for now,

Starwhite Earthguide.

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