Friday 11 May 2018

Wakie Wakie Rise and Shine

Sat 12 May 2018.

How adorable is this image. 
A beautiful vision to engage in meditation as cradled, gently rocking and carried by Mare - the sea - beneath the golden sun. Rocking engages the primordial part of the brain that brings a nurturing to us, a solace and consoling of our emotions, calms our fears and returns us to our innate natural rhythm. 

Wakie Wakie Rise and Shine.

Greetings To You Lovely Evolving Souls.

Breathing Awakening Engaging and Expanding.

Take a pause in your day, right now, with your feet on the ground and your beautiful columnar spine undulating up your back to support your neck, head and shoulders – downwards to be encompassed by your hips that hold you and provide a space to sit, walk, protect organs and hold unborn life within women. Be grateful for that.

For a moment, really sense the breath entering and leaving your body. It travels in through your nostrils, down past your throat, on into your lungs. Inside there it enters the minute forms called alveoli which remind me of groves of trees. I love this comparison. . . as I love trees! Here microscopically, oxygen is swapped for carbon dioxide (just as trees do in reverse for us!), which has come via the bloodstream, then to be exhaled – out through the alveoli, up through and past the throat and out of the nose (or mouth).

Aahh a cleansing breath has been taken.

We are amazing incredible organisms full of complex Life processes; totally carrying on unaware for the most part of course, of the minute processes, functions and complex relationships happening within us!

Now for another moment, picture yourself as you awaken on any morning. What happens before you even open your eyes? You stir, muscles move a little, breathing changes, eyelids might decline to open at first! Hearing intensifies. And if you are in-tune and open to experiencing it just before the Sun rises – then you may feel a total body sensation which announces the arrival of the sweeping electro-magnetic field across the planet!

Aahh awakening! It’s not just about opening your eyes.

And then as you begin to move gently, breathe more strongly, hear more sounds and sense more of the outer world – you can do nothing but engage! Just by merely having senses awaken, engages them automatically, naturally. And then we decide, consciously, to engage further (or not! - if we roll over and pull the covers up!)

Aahh conscious engagement.

So the next phase we might enter is the expanding one as we move even more and engage our physical bodies in a big slow stretch – not just jumping up with adrenaline pumping un-readily into our systems before we have properly engaged our senses! No, a leisurely slow deliberate stretch to lengthen ourselves gently and open our beautiful spinal columns that I first mentioned, so that the fluid can flow freely and begin to access the parts of our bodies that need it for us to begin functioning better in our conscious awakening.

Aahh expanding!

So enjoy the experiences of your incredible body: breathing, awakening, engaging, expanding. Bringing your awareness to this is a form of gratitude in itself, for as you take notice of the details of yourself, the cells and mitochondria of your body can sense and reply, creating a stronger connection between your levels of being. . . from the physical to the energetic, working in harmony and aligning the equilibrium.

Blessings Be to You on

The Universal Journey.

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