Friday 25 May 2018

A River By Any Other Name

Merging Energies - One Experience.

A river by any other name. . . 

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

N.B. In reading this piece you may feel a sudden urge to go out in Nature – all responsibility is yours!  hahaha!  Explore enjoyment. . .

Arriving at the riverside park early this morning, the weather was perfect.

Grass mown and short enough to walk upon, unobstructed.

Trees looking tall, vivid and naturally silhouetted against a deep blue sky.

Sky clear of clouds but dotted occasionally with birds coasting above on their morning rounds.

And the river itself.

I took a few minutes to become deeply present, connected and open to engaging in the peaceful surrounding before beginning my qigong session; trees swayed as a small stirring of the breeze began, rustling the leaves, skimming over the surface of the river and prompting wavelets across its surface, reflecting the sun on its rise. But in connecting more clearly & deeply, could sense the depths and strength of the river current as it approached high tide.

Like a silent conversation between my inner body and the river, I could feel a recognition, a mutual awareness from Self and from River, of the energy streams of both; chatting, conversing, discussing and relating in a way that balanced and harmonised.

Mind became stilled, as did the body in appreciation of the scene and further opening to the natural surrounds, integrating. Breathing regulated into a slow steady rhythm, connecting even more deeply to the river’s power & current.

Then to be blessed with even a few moments which turned into several minute’s worth of qigong myself and then shared with company, was irreplaceable and engaged the flow of Self with Nature in the world at large amidst the Grand Scheme of All Things - healing, empowering, loving.  With feet firmly planted, body open and moving gracefully, sensing the rivers of qi (chi) deep within, so too the rivers of Nature's qi flowing all around and the physical manifestation of that one nearby us. 

In this state, really becoming deliberately placed, centred, in a supreme world of flow, continuity, grace and belonging as one so small encompassed and included within the Divine Essence of Life. Life reflecting back at Life as rivers of qi within reflect rivers of qi without. Blessed we be. 

Enjoy engaging your Self in 
The Universal Journey.

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