Friday 27 April 2018

Master Djwal Khul

Master Djwal Khul
 -  AKA Mister Cool!

Greetings Beautiful Beings on The Universal Journey!

Sitting at my desk as I write this, I peer up and out of the window. Two distinctly different types of clouds are hovering nearby. A big fluffy cumulous and a more wispy cirrus type which is actually in the form of a looping swirl. They are so pretty against a perfectly Autumn blue sky.

Further towards the horizon are several more robust fluffy clouds with more of a strong energy imprint – as it seems to me.

Clouds are amazing. And clouds are not always just clouds.

I wrote a book several years ago and amongst the sections within it I wrote about the “Clouds That Are Not Clouds”. It was, and still sometimes is the case, that some clouds at particular times are also holders of extra-energies, extra-energies of Beings. This has actually been confirmed by other sources as I later discovered.

Perhaps it was on one such occasion of clouds that the Ascended Master Djwal Khul arrived.
His is the aspect of the Masters which holds vast knowledge of the energies and the effects of different rays which touch humanity and influence our evolution.

Images of columns of coloured light, namely emerald green, can be associated with this Master. His demeanour I found during my channelling, is of a more serious and instructive nature, compared to the more recent friendly ‘chuckly’ energy of Metatron.

During the time he ‘visited’ with me, he spoke about micro-cellular forms and minute physics principals, but in a form that we could follow. The most significant thing I do remember from his dialogue, was the phrase:

"Movement creates Life"

He had just briefly explained micro processes, but the big remaining thing for the activation of Life itself, is movement to begin. Thereafter came images of jiggling and spinning, amidst such a beautiful rainbow of colours! If any if you are not aware of particle movement at a microscopic level, this is what they do, how they behave.

So as I sit here beneath the gaze of several clouds now, I am wondering if Mister Cool (Khul) is there in Spirit, projecting his energy signature today to inspire this little blog for you to perhaps find a speckle of knowledge or to ignite a curiosity along your current leg of -

The Universal Journey.
Blessed Be You.

N.B. Copyrights apply to writings on this website.

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