Tuesday 17 April 2018

Ascended Masters Gather

Wednesday 18th April 2018.

Ascended Masters Gather.

So what do you call a collection of Ascended Masters anyway?  Perhaps a Realm
    A Realm of Ascended Masters.

This beautiful image CREDIT A.THORGREN website. 

Welcome to You Beautiful Awakening Engaging Expansive People On The Universal Journey!

As a guide and instructor of meditation and spiritual development for so long, it is still a child-like wonder and joy at the totally beautiful surprises that this “work” brings into my life. I am probably repeating myself, but oh well, it is true J

Blessed I feel ( as do my group) when a visitor enters our meditation group with their awesome energies for us to recognise them, envelop us within their field and find some aspects of their character previously unknown or even considered! And also be aware that when we ask consciously for higher help and guidance (especially from the Ascended Masters) they are on the job immediately! Then once a link is made, they come by and work behind the scenes often without our awareness of such. So announcing on such a public platform as FB, my WESAK event in May, has several of the Masters around at the moment!

Such a drop-in occurred last night with Metatron chuckling away as I shared a few simple concepts about ‘him’. (I put his gender in inverted commas as his multidimensional energy is neutral, but for our human perspective, he was incarnate as a man aeons ago). His chuckling was not derogatory, but in pure glee that we became aware and  understood that ‘he’ has been gently guiding some aspects of our development from behind the scenes for some time – on individual levels. We people get a bit busily distracted at times don’t we! So when we realised certain things about ‘him’, lots fell into place! And we were just as amused ourselves ;)  That is not to say that other Guides have not been working with us – for they can work complementary to each other, synchronised and in unison.

Similarly, this also happened when I became more aware of Master Dwaj Kuhl. He too is an Ascended Master. So when he made himself clearly known to us in circle one day, his presence was more refined as I ‘saw’ him positioned between two participants. They could sense his energetic signature also. In place, he gave us some wonderful information of molecular design and life-creation – totally an unexpected topic! And then items I had been given and information that he had guided me to read, were from his guidance and in his energy frame, going back a period of several months.

But, if there is one major thing I have learnt from this spiritual development, awakening and engagement process through my life, it is that you can never underestimate, judge or define with boundaries of the human mind and intellect, the profound effects, the behind-the-scenes activities, nor the pure unwavering extreme love and compassion that the Higher Beings of Light have, do and are.

In my very early and naive times as a spiritualist minister, there were lots of human boundaries held by people as fixed concepts of Who did what, and how they worked with us. . . so much water under the bridge since then has washed away these predisposed human limitations of all Higher Beings. . . thank God/dess! Hahaha!

So today, my best advice of all if you are developing in your own way. . . remain totally open minded, even when you are engaged in a programme or under the tutorage of spiritual teachers. . . even myself! I am not saying that there are some fixed concepts that duly apply to us as 3rd dimensional beings incarnate on our beautiful Mother Earth at this time. Of course there are some. I just suggest you be open to the other Realms in an individual way of your own, as they will really truly guide you more profoundly as due the essence of your own being allows and is meant to. Hence, sharing is sometimes a wobbly bridge to cross with people when your experience can be very different to another’s. So use discretion, yet compassion in your choices. Others are doing as best they can as we all are, on their own path too and without needing criticism in a judgemental way.

Have a wonderful (rainy here at the moment) day and may you walk the coming days in openness and liberation allowing your true joy to guide you on

The Universal Journey.

Blessed Be. 

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