Monday 15 January 2018

WOW A Two for One Today!

Dark of the Moon 16.1.2018 = 7 + 1 + 11 = 10 = 1

Wow, a double bunger for today people!

Good Morning Good People!
Well today bodes auspiciously for the supreme releasing of old and unwanteds in the way of mindful heartfelt intention and asking that whatever you want to be set free of, be done! – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. It is an empowering time of openness and freedom.
Dark or New Moon energy is always a liberating one . . . every month.
Coupling that with today’s numerology it is even more effective for us. It is practically bursting with the energies for us to open and detach issues that have bound us & confined our potential . . . even karmic ones.
This opportunity if taken, can also prepare us nicely for the upcoming Blue Moon at the end of the month. So please take advantage of this open releasing energy portal tonight. The way is then paved for you to more fully imbibe and integrate the newer fresher energies of the Blue Moon and another step in the evolution, recreation of yourself and your own world.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Message me for tips on my page on Facebook!
Starwhite Healing and Guidance.

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