Friday 26 January 2018

A Cosmic Meditation

Saturday 27.1.18 = 9.1.2 = 12 =3 Balance, trinity. Perhaps your Ruling Number?

A Cosmic Meditation.

Hello You Divine Beings on The Universal Journey.

How are you loving these wondrous fluxes in energy that come from outside our own Earthly atmosphere; outside our own tangible world?

The Moon’s experiences which reflect on down to us are continuing as this year moves toward the second month – what a lot of activity so far! We’ve only just begun.

And so in respect to the ups and downs of the lunar events, I was guided to present a more Cosmic Meditation last weekend for my group.

As is becoming more regular for us, as we grow, are the changes to the little pre-meditation practices that we do. These practices combine us further as a group within the space so that although the meditational experiences are individual for each person, there is a harmonious, gelatinous sense of union between the sitters, without inhibiting their personal space or ‘journey’; linking us as one so that all experiences are further enhanced in the vibe.

The visualisation itself was not a unique one in the sense that we travelled through the Galaxy. It was unique in the actual way that we did that! It was all new to me too & an image I had seen previously when sitting to prepare for my group’s return to our sessions.

This is how I always work: I ask beforehand for the best possible scenarios , images and connections for the highest good of all present at that particular time. And so things unfold from there, often even to my own pleasant surprise!
So if you are local, please let me know if you would like to join our little development group in meditation, and if not, I wish the best vibes to you for the upcoming blue, blood, super moon this coming week!

I will be posting more as it approaches this week on my facebook page.

(Starwhite Earthguide)
Starwhite Healing and Guidance.

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