Sunday 28 January 2018

Way Of The Lioness

Monday 29th Jan, 2018.
Greetings Universal Journeyers.
I am feeling poetic today! Enjoy and empower.

Way of the Lioness.   Part I. 

Treading lightly on the Golden Path before you -
Take in the scents & view around you.
Breathe the newness that is coming,
It will fill you with a sense of adventure, curiosity.
Pressing your paws into the earth you feel the gravity of your presence
Yet the eyes remain focused on your target
Courageous, free, agile & ready for any turn of direction required
The Golden Path lights your way
And carries you, like royalty,
Easily, clearly, naturally, openly, lovingly.
Until all else falls away along your walk
So that all that remains is your own true essence

Your own right way. 

(credit myself as author)

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