Monday 29 January 2018

Way of the Lioness. Part II.

Tuesday 30.1.2018.

Way of the Lioness. Part II.

Lightly, measured, barely audible
A padding of paws behind you
Reminds you that you are not alone.
Courage, connection, companionship, devotion
Follow you
And your own steadfast way is confirmed and reinforced by that presence –
In whatever form that may take.

(copyright 30.1.2018)

Sunday 28 January 2018

Way Of The Lioness

Monday 29th Jan, 2018.
Greetings Universal Journeyers.
I am feeling poetic today! Enjoy and empower.

Way of the Lioness.   Part I. 

Treading lightly on the Golden Path before you -
Take in the scents & view around you.
Breathe the newness that is coming,
It will fill you with a sense of adventure, curiosity.
Pressing your paws into the earth you feel the gravity of your presence
Yet the eyes remain focused on your target
Courageous, free, agile & ready for any turn of direction required
The Golden Path lights your way
And carries you, like royalty,
Easily, clearly, naturally, openly, lovingly.
Until all else falls away along your walk
So that all that remains is your own true essence

Your own right way. 

(credit myself as author)

Friday 26 January 2018

A Cosmic Meditation

Saturday 27.1.18 = 9.1.2 = 12 =3 Balance, trinity. Perhaps your Ruling Number?

A Cosmic Meditation.

Hello You Divine Beings on The Universal Journey.

How are you loving these wondrous fluxes in energy that come from outside our own Earthly atmosphere; outside our own tangible world?

The Moon’s experiences which reflect on down to us are continuing as this year moves toward the second month – what a lot of activity so far! We’ve only just begun.

And so in respect to the ups and downs of the lunar events, I was guided to present a more Cosmic Meditation last weekend for my group.

As is becoming more regular for us, as we grow, are the changes to the little pre-meditation practices that we do. These practices combine us further as a group within the space so that although the meditational experiences are individual for each person, there is a harmonious, gelatinous sense of union between the sitters, without inhibiting their personal space or ‘journey’; linking us as one so that all experiences are further enhanced in the vibe.

The visualisation itself was not a unique one in the sense that we travelled through the Galaxy. It was unique in the actual way that we did that! It was all new to me too & an image I had seen previously when sitting to prepare for my group’s return to our sessions.

This is how I always work: I ask beforehand for the best possible scenarios , images and connections for the highest good of all present at that particular time. And so things unfold from there, often even to my own pleasant surprise!
So if you are local, please let me know if you would like to join our little development group in meditation, and if not, I wish the best vibes to you for the upcoming blue, blood, super moon this coming week!

I will be posting more as it approaches this week on my facebook page.

(Starwhite Earthguide)
Starwhite Healing and Guidance.

I am happy for you to LIKE and SHARE my page on facebook J & receive the great offer posted there on my page!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Deepening into the New You.

17.1.2018 = 8 + 1 + 11  =  11  = 2

Deepening into the New You.
If you read my few tips yesterday on which oils may support this releasing process at this time, I am including another today as a follow up oil to help integrate and deepen & ground the new vibration in your body, your cells, your DNA perhaps, for your re-wiring to occur more permanently & decisively.
Today of course is now an 8 day (balance) with another 11 in the mix, then reducing to a 2. Significantly, this number 11 for me is always an energetic Gateway. So, any releasing and change that you intended from the numbers and moon phase alignment yesterday (or may continue with for a while today in this same carry-on vibration) can be more fully made part of you today, especially as there are two 11’s in the equation.
For me, I was drawn to take up my little bottle of patchouli, I also ‘saw’ a particular simple symbol or design, and an animal card that associates with that. Hence, my total meaning from all this combined, leads me into a different vibration, with my supporting energies of the totem animal, the symbol & all encompassed by the fragrance/vibration of patchouli – just one drop. I am still sensing the effects and the all-encompassing effects of this combination of divining & aligning tools – for want of a better term.
So in order for these new energies to really integrate fully within you, it is an idea to really keep other strong or intense vibrations at bay today & perhaps tomorrow, where possible. Try to keep a sense of some energy space around you. Try not to become involved in gossip, negative discussions or arguments, and avoid angry or frustrating situations and people. Take deep breaths and just stop for a moment if you feel you are being drawn in. Or politely withdraw to a Nature space if possible, & look to the sky J
If you need to be around this, then take deep breaths and find a sense of that which is now becoming your new awareness, your new vibration, and feel contained in your own power-centre. Perhaps envision yourself in a bubble of that, and reinforce throughout the day.

Sincere best wishes & adventures in your new vibration!

Blessings from 
Starwhite Healing and Guidance.

LIKE us on Facebook! :) 

Monday 15 January 2018

WOW A Two for One Today!

Dark of the Moon 16.1.2018 = 7 + 1 + 11 = 10 = 1

Wow, a double bunger for today people!

Good Morning Good People!
Well today bodes auspiciously for the supreme releasing of old and unwanteds in the way of mindful heartfelt intention and asking that whatever you want to be set free of, be done! – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. It is an empowering time of openness and freedom.
Dark or New Moon energy is always a liberating one . . . every month.
Coupling that with today’s numerology it is even more effective for us. It is practically bursting with the energies for us to open and detach issues that have bound us & confined our potential . . . even karmic ones.
This opportunity if taken, can also prepare us nicely for the upcoming Blue Moon at the end of the month. So please take advantage of this open releasing energy portal tonight. The way is then paved for you to more fully imbibe and integrate the newer fresher energies of the Blue Moon and another step in the evolution, recreation of yourself and your own world.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Message me for tips on my page on Facebook!
Starwhite Healing and Guidance.

Saturday 13 January 2018

A Glastonbury Tarot Card

The Glastonbury Thorn - Ace of Staffs depicted on my Glastonbury Tarot card.

Greetings All on The Universal Journey! 

And especially if you have linked in here from facebook. Welcome! Please explore and discover my many previous blogs. I would love to read any polite comments.

I have been working in the Spiritual & Energy realms for many years now, but it never fails to bring tears to my eyes when things appear or are sensed so strongly and clearly when I meditate or connect deeply. Timing is everything. Sometimes I am just ‘called’, surrounded with a strong energy that I can only describe as love & a comforting warmth that urges me gently but strongly to do whatever it is that the timing is due for. Let me explain a bit of my recent experience of this as you may have experienced this too.
This morning, as a for instance: I woke, rose and began my usual morning activities – feed the dogs, make a cuppa, sense my priorities for the day, wash my face & apply my face cream etc. I then try to go to my meditation/healing room before the family rises so as to prepare myself for whatever the day may bring, and also to reconnect to my higher self in that sacred time.

Today I was called rather more strongly. The image of a yew tree was clear to me before I even lit one candle, so I wondered if I would be drawing that card today. But it was in a cd track in a series of Celtic connecting meditations that I am following, that all was more clearly defined. I was to be following the Yew Tree Path (by Mara Freeman). This visualisation stands out in particular as it is one that brought such profound experiences when I visited Glastonbury & surrounds with Mara last year. I will not detail the entire visualisation, but to say that it was once again profound for me and welled tears in my eyes at the sensations, enormous love and gratitude it brings to me, upon meeting and connecting with an Ancestor of mine, and the particular trees with that.

So I am posting a ‘tree’ here today, not because so many people just see one and imagine it is the tree of life. No, it is that plus sooo much more. It is the branching of our Ancestral evolution but not just in the physical way of genealogy that generally people are familiar. It is the branching and the support by those branches of Souls that you can access for yourself, for your own ongoing evolution, guidance and connections to your own Soul’s past history for relevance to here and now.  (re my Starwhite Healing and Guidance Meditation, Hypno Regression Sessions, Spiritual Consults)

The tree depiction here is of a Glastonbury Thorn. It is not just any old bush growing in England! It represents the staff or backbone of the Spiritual Heritage of Glastonbury from when Joseph of Arimathea arrived on Wearyall Hill, carrying the Holy Grail/Chalice of Jesus, struck down said staff, where it took sprout and grew. Descendants of this bush remain, only growing in this area of England, and in special sacred locations. Such wondrous stories & legends fill & are found in the Mists of Avalon! So much more surrounds this legend which I won’t add in here but you can enquire for yourself in a consult if you wish.

This vivid card depiction also reflects my own energy sensations when I practice a strong Qigong session! We energetically send roots deep into the Earth for grounding and support. We become singularly aware of our trunk, breath, branching arms and open ourselves to cultivate and work with the elements of Nature when we begin to practice this Ancient Artform. Then in this state of being, we can attune effortlessly or automatically, to our ancestors, just as we can in meditation; except that in Qigong, we are moving with mindfulness, encouraging our chi (qi) to flow and clear stagnant areas of our energy, our persona and our life,  creating a state of healing and upliftment as we do so. This prepares us for the best possible environment within us for healing, reconciliation, replenishment, flexibility of mind and body, and so much more! So this all-encompassing energy field as shown in the card, I can truly relate to . . . and so can others.

So, as to timing, I often find after the fact, that a correlating astro-physical effect sharpens my experience. I always sense that it is within particular pockets of time that there is an opening, a portal, through which I was able to much more clearly visit with my Ancestor in this meditation time. So I have long learned to follow my clearest heart-calls and guidance. It was as if he was awaiting me before my visionary quest began in the realm of Annwn (pronounced a-noon), in the Mists of Avalon this morning. And a great blessing to share it with you!

So I hope this little bloggy article has been of interest and provided a little new insight into trees and the opportunities you have to explore new realms of reality - for as my old Spiritual Teacher Gwen used to say, bless her, “This world we live in is the unreality that we call Life”.

Starwhite Earthguide.
Starwhite Healing and Guidance. Website Coming Soon!

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