Monday 20 November 2017

Rollers & Waterfalls

Rollers and Waterfalls
Tuesday Nov 21st 2017.

              This pic is one I took of a waterfall in beautiful Dorset, England this year.

Dear Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey,

You are probably wondering: “What on earth do these things in the title have in common? And what is a roller"? Rollers and Waterfalls”?? Lots today! Read on. . . 

Wow what a wonderful difference a strong Qigong (pronounced chi -goong) session makes to my world!

Today I attended a class with my teacher, whom I have known for many years.
During this class my teacher shared out what is called a ‘roller’, to each of us. They are pieces of cylindrical wood carved and smoothed; additionally smoothed by many hands of use no doubt. It is about 30 cms long and about 3-4 cms in diameter. She guided us in detailed sweeping and focusing practices using these rollers. The practice of qigong becomes much more focused and mindful as we are meant to hold the roller gently, lightly, without dropping it (or hitting ourselves over the head with it!) Using a roller, for me, gives a whole new dimension to the practices.

And then we made the ‘waterfalls’. I love these waterfall movements of practice. Very simple yet very powerful & graceful, like tipping water and recollecting it again from hand to hand following the micro-cosmic/macro-cosmic orbit. I also share these moves with my own group when in session at times. 

Simple. Repetitive. Mindful. Potent.

Sometimes I am also visited by & see images of numerous Guides whilst I am in the visualisation process at the end of each session. This is clear evidence to me, that this form, for me personally, works as a link to my Higher-self & realms - because that is what I am here to do! I do not suggest that it is the same for you. . . . but you never know. Be open to anything as you travel on The Universal Journey.

So, on leaving these sessions I am not only revitalised, but also have much clearer priorities for my day, stronger creativity & a deeper sense of my own energy and my unbounded potential. My day continues in a much more blissfully aligned form and with a fresh lightness of being. I become like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower as I tend to my chores, intuitional errands & work that are as gifts. I also look forward to fuller stamina which usually extends several days hence!

Ahh Lao Tze – thank you for showing & reminding me of this Way-
on The Universal Journey.

Palms together in blessings to you for a wonderful week to come.

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