Tuesday 14 July 2015

How Cold Is It!?

 Hello Good People,
How cold is it now??!!
Good grief Charlie Brown,  the winter woollies will be getting a good run for their money this week!
Snow has fallen from the just north of the Qld border and further south through to the Blue Mountains NSW. This is a case for the weather pattern changes of our era as our Mother Earth re- adjusts herself. The continuing plume of ash from Indonesia also refuses to be ignored and causing chaos to those people travelling to and from there. I am sorry for their plight, but there is not much to be done about an act of Mother Nature.
But I love rugging up and having a crackling fire going through the night and part of the day even at the moment. Fireside reading and warming drinks are a comforting feature of this weather at least. It gives us an excuse to just be present and enjoy the cosy atmosphere.
Though my heart goes out to those who are not so cosy. So many homeless and those unable to provide themselves with heat are on my prayer list. May they find some form of warmth, hot food and clean shelter as the nights and days progress. 
Take care good people and stay warm.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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