Saturday 25 July 2015


Sunday 26th July.

Hello Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

I am doing a spiritual development online course at the moment created by a dear friend.

It is always good to learn new ways even if it takes me a while to begin them & get into the swing and structure.  Resistance is dissolved as the concepts flow. I feel a resonance with her work and am seeing a new way of looking at some old concepts I had and allowing my old ways to be dissolved and reformed. I am looking at having that happen for my whole self too.
Below came words after the latest class. I felt surprisingly well grounded, happily. I was left with a feeling of a bigger me that I have missed these past months and of connectedness without demand or expectation.

I stood and walked on the ground in my yard feeling every pebble, twig and seam beneath my feet.
I looked to the blue sky, seeing white clouds drift on by
and affirmed:
"I am here planted on the Earth
With the Heavens above
 for my inspiration and love. 

Today is usually special in some way.It is for two special family members birthdays and I am often drawn to do more close spiritual work or find some new special connections in what I do. I think it is also a sacred day of the Mayan calendar.??

Have a blessed day for yourself x

Love and Blessings
on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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