Sunday 26 July 2015

Rainbow Light

Mon 27 July 2015.

Greetings Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey.

"Rainbow light from far above
Descends to us as Divine Love.
There is far more than the eye can perceive
Much more contained in that colourful wreath.
The Great Sun itself showers us with its rays
Held within those are dancing arrays.
Arrays of such complex and intricate design
For to us, as we gaze, are quite often blind.
For dances within these rays with delight
Are symbols and messages, Beings of Light.
All is not so simple as appears
Yet only the High Spirit of Self can see clear.
Delicate and high in vibration they be,
These wonders of Nature, what magic to see. "
Starwhite Earthguide.
Enjoy The Universal Journey.

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