Saturday 20 June 2015

A Lighter Place.

Sat  20th June 2015.

Greetings Dear Universal Journeyers.

Well what a health ride I have been on, and still on-going, these past months. Amongst my travels there have been lots of ups and downs of course (and the ride is not over yet). As aware Souls living and growing here on Earth, there always is when we find out something about ourselves that we didn't know, or don't like , let alone accept, as part of the issue.
Still, that's life (here anyway!).
Today I feel I have arrived at a better heart-place at least. . . a better raised vibrational outlook to where I was struggling in before. And I pray it remains so.
Now it is not often that I admit to all and sundry, that I was in a dark and lonely place. I have taken some time to admit that to even myself. I have been there before for different reasons or I should say, in different circumstances. This time it has been too long and painful. Of course, it is always about balancing Karma, resolving old out dated ways of being with new progressive evolution-of-the-Soul ones. I look forward to the time ahead when I view my new wounds as scars of a triumphant passage through a most defining time of my life. . . chin up.
It is called by some "the dark night of the Soul". But frankly, these days and times make that a situation for many people who are on their individual spiritual journeys. Especially to assist healers and Light workers along the path of Light as illumined beings that we are and become even more so.
I only just noticed yesterday that I had decorated my computer area with many images of LIGHT. . .
I just love the poetic romantic artistry of Thomas Kinkade - 'Painter of Light'. His works are inspiring, gentle, very detailed and a never ending source of 'lightness' to the eye not to mention the Soul. The eye follows the meandering walks, stairways or waterways. There is always a feeling of safety and comfort, a homely aura about them all. They make me want to visit these pretty and inviting places as a break away. And they make a refreshing view from the laptop screen.
So today, what changed?
I was introduced to a little miracle. A delicate creation that appeared and blessed and impressed us all in our little meditation group. We 'found' a small delicate crystal - for actually it probably found us. And it seemed to be meant for me. And what a powerful little gift it is! Hence, already it has placed its aura of Light with me and I will endeavour to hold it so. It may not stay, but it is a precious thing at this Solstice time. . . and made of Light. It also reminds me of a vision I had last night involving a scene of light.

 I am so humbled and grateful and curious of this natural wonder and still processing its actual presence. Ahmen.

Anyway, bye for now.
Take care all and notice those little miracles on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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