Monday 1 June 2015

Sorry I've missed you !

Monday 1st June 2015.

Hello Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.
I have been away from here for far too long! And missing it.
Several reasons are on the tip of my fingers but will not bore you with them too much:) ,but amongst them is the demise of my old p.c. and buying a laptop and getting used to it now. . .bit by bit anyway.

Needless to say I look forward to writing again!

Well, the weather here has been quite mild and tolerable but seems about to cool down much more soon. . .we will see, as our winters here are definitely shortening over the years. I've even lost track of the moon and planetary cycle but hope to click into that soon once again with so many natural forces at play at the moment.

As you will no doubt be aware, many big things have been happening around this planet of ours and in localised communities. On the big front, prayers have been ongoing to those in the Himalayas, and those effected by the following volcanic eruptions, which we can see as reverberations after the Himalayan quakes. And also the flooding of Texas and Sth America. Please add your prayers/loving thoughts to the many many others when you can, and ongoing.

I also would like to remind you that as we are all connected to our dear Mother Earth, prayers go out to many of us personally who are sensing the same upheaval and turmoil which can be of such a great shock. Especially when we might think that we have been traveling along smoothly on The Universal Journey only to find some of the ground falling out from beneath our feet, or wobbling our sense of balance, or sending us in a totally unexpected direction. (I am one of those) And it is to say the least - very disconcerting and knocks the confidence.

For those experiencing this:
Know that you are loved - no matter what.
Know that there is a deep part of you that is working with the Higher Guiding Forces and Source (aka The Universe or God).
Know that you are not alone.
Know that there is help and support even if it may not seem obvious at first.
Know that balance is being restored and try to find a sense of that within you. Ask Guides and Angels fro assistance and resolution.

These may not be easy to do as I am well aware.
But do not lose hope. There is a deep part of you, your Higher Self that can be accessed, that can ease you through.

Sending prayers of healing, comfort and support can help keep your vibrations raised. Think loving thoughts. Dismiss quickly other thoughts as old and stale vibrations of the useless and diminishing worldly and personal patterns.
Look into helping others even if it only means a thought or a kind word.

I leave you now, but seek to resume my blogging more regularly once again.

Take care and be loving.

Blessings on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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