Saturday 13 June 2015

A Wintery Tale

14th June 2015.

Greetings Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

"May the gentle winds of change not take you too off balance -
May they simply redirect you back on course." S.E.

Well here we are in Winter.
Mind you, it is not the usual icy cold idea which you may associate with the season. Ours is much milder. We are having rain showers which is usually not the way - it is usually dry and chilly with a couple of weeks of really cold temps. Yet the clouds at least tend to keep the temperatures warmer. But fireplaces around the neighbourhood still are lit and create coziness and that familiar comforting wintery smell in the night air.

These alterations in our seasons can relate to all part of our global changes, as we progress in the evolution of the nature of Earth herself.

Winter is a season, spiritually, for delving inwards, a bit like a bear in hibernation. We are urged to find some quiet moments and be still and quiet. Look into things of our life that may need attention. Perhaps parts of our personality that need to be tended. Or reassess our attitudes in our relationships and work and home places. Or just sit and be guided or shown where to look.

If you have not previously read in my past blogs, I mention the circle.

Perhaps create a circle for yourself in which to sit, meditate and rebalance. Make it from crystals, elements of nature or anything simple to use at hand; in-doors or outside in a peaceful place. Make the space your own. It is a refuge for you to contemplate in stillness and represents being within your own energy centre. You may find the desire to come back to it regularly as things move along for you.

Along with these ideas , the practice of qigong ( chi-gong) helps keep the flow of intrinsic energy within you and helps cultivate fresh chi and dispel old stale chi as you progress through the season. Low stance poses (horse riding stance) helps lower you closer to the ground, centring you better and is of a deeper balancing position for stability. Try 'bear turns' as an example. Or simply just 'holding the ball/tree' in whichever direction feels right at the time.

For those not familiar with qigong and its multi-applications, it is an amazing practice to incorporate in your life.

Winter in qigong terms relates to the North, the element of water, the colours black/blue and the body organs- kidneys. The 'bear turns' practice helps support the
delicate kidneys and adrenals. And if you find you are meditating to sort some issues, then these organs will need support. Still, drink plenty of water and some people even look into a detox for a short time if they are in that mode. But don't do too many practices at once! and check with health professionals first of course, especially if they are new to you.

Anyway, be well and find the peace and stillness within you as you are able. Laugh and have some fun in between the seriousness our life can become. We are here to experience Life in its many facets and a sense of humour these days is a precious thing!

 The Universal Journey
Love and Blessings.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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