Monday 5 January 2015

Weaving Into the New Year

Tuesday Jan 6th.

Weaving Into the New Year.

On the final leg of the journey
That took us through 2014
There were times that I felt lost and broken,
Times without any dreams.
Now the New Year to greet us has broken
Like a wave upon a fine shore
And the love and great prospects lie waiting
To be taken up by those awaiting more!
For like a fresh breeze it surrounds us
It begins its momentum to grow,
To be sure, just at first, a bit sluggish,
But with secrets that lie ‘yond its door.
So take yourself into it gently;
Take yourself into it slow;
Let its sweet embrace enfold you
So that Love is the Guide that you’ll know.
For ‘tis Love and True Nature that finds us;
That carries us through thick and thin,
That moves us and weaves us in patterns,
In a delicate dance from within.
Take each step daily as mindful;
Let each rich moment be yours;
Let not the fear or lethargy
Crowd up your innermost door.
Let yourself feel the great opening
That comes from a freedom sublime
That comes in each precious day passing
And will weave you well into the Divine.


Starwhite Earthguide.

Sunday January 4th 2015.

*NB If reproducing do give due credit to myself as the author.*

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