Friday 9 January 2015

10 and 11

for Sat 10th  & Sun 11th Jan.
Hello Dear Universal Journey Takers.
Here is a curiosity for you to ponder in numbers:

10.1.2015 =  10
= beginnings and endings in whatever small  or large way you may experience.

11.1.2015 = 11
so the previous day of the 10 vibration has now prepared us for the next 11 gateway to step aware, and into and towards the newer aspect , new vibration after ending and releasing a few loose ends yesterday. 

A meditation on both days' numbers can connect you well if you so choose to enjoy the revelations that may become apparent for you. 
Invite an Angel to guide you!
And remember that there is an ongoing '8' to assist your balance alignment and harmony.

Live laugh and enjoy 
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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