Tuesday 18 November 2014



Weds 19th Nov 2014.

So Dear Universal Journeyers,
How are you feeling today after yesterday?
Sometimes even the idea that we can have something released or unburdened from us without effort is refreshing and lifts our Spirits. 
I hope you are feeling unburdened and refreshed with a renewed vigor for life today! You have permission any day to feel so! No need to understand why – just enjoy and go with it.

So today, as part of a few words that I was inspired to share this morning with someone . . . .
As part of personal processes that we find ourselves continually a part of, tears are very important.
They are underestimated, undervalued and denied.
They are like release valves for our Soul.
Tears are cleansing and detoxifying.
They are salty and wet and find their own way to make tracks as they glide down our puffy cheeks if we allow them their way.
They can well up with no notice whatsoever.
And can spill over involuntarily from us until they have cried themselves dry.
And then more still can come.
Tears are so very very healing.
They are important in acts of resolution and letting go.
Holding them in can create headaches and stagnation of the spirit.
Letting them flow their course can be therapeutic and refreshing and recalibrating.
Tears can re-define balance in our emotional body.
They can leave us feeling drained yet relieved and ready for fresh nourishment and fulfilment to come.
Tears are part of the cycle of change, of growth and growing up.
Let them flow when they well up in your pretty eyes.
They are droplets and trickles of Love that your Heart has felt, that your Soul has longed recognition for and that you have been denying yourself of.
Tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of overwhelming – see them for what they are truly – expressions of support from your Soul as forms of Love in one way or another and come to assist your times of change, of sadness, of awakenings, of recognitions, of great joy and of surprise.
Let them flow when they arrive.
There is no shame in Love.

Great Blessings to you all on
The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

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