Saturday 22 November 2014

Numbers and New Moon

Sunday 23.11.2014.    Part One.

Numbers and New Moon.

Dear Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey,
(Please excuse any typos in this blog entry as I have recently re-arranged my computer workspace and my head is still adjusting!)
How are you all travelling today?

Well, yesterday was a quite significant one-of-those-days. Numerologically it was 22.11.2014. I spoke about 11 in a past blog entry as signifying a gateway opportunity and if you will notice, yesterday was a triple 11 : 22 being a double 11 and the 11 of the month itself.
3 or triples, as you probably know are also very significant and can be viewed as quite a Divine number : the 3 holy aspects of Father Mother and Child  (leading into Christmas); aspects of the Higher Spirit; Above Centre and Below our feet when working with the placement of ourselves upon this planet, Triple rings/eclipses of the Celtic Tree of Life symbol; Hermes Trimegistus  and so much more.

And yesterday was also the New Moon phase. This is a time for releasing, letting go of unnecessary ways, things, habits, baggage, and allowing deep openness to occur for yourself in divine ways, all without too much effort. It occurs as the moon is absent from the evening sky and we are free to sense ourselves and discover where we are at and be able to re-adjust to that in whichever way is appropriate for us at this particualr time.
People in my class yesterday will know of the re-adjustment I was undergoing at the time as I was due for some definite re-arranging and review! And so this happened after a lovely qigong session.

I returned home with a need to re-arrange furniture! This happens quite regularly with me, and is due to a new phase within myself and to help also the ebb and flow of energies for our family home to help things run more smoothly. It also helps de-clutter those crowded corners , as like some cluttered spaces of the heart and mind. It involves moving wall decorations and ornaments to more refreshing positions and once done, or even just begun, and you leave the areas momentarily, to return to a great frsh new breath of vitality and openness! It can feel so liberating!  And so timely, yesterday.

So waking this morning , after such a full and fulfilling days effort yesterday, my mind drifted off to ask about today’s plans and then was gently guided to recall my communications with good loving people yesterday and move on from there. So here I be, blogging again! And I recall another past blog entry with words from White Eagle about each previous day being a precursor for the next and to keep your vibrations raised. . . and so I do my best.

(NB. In energy work and vibrational evolution in general, not everyone’s timing is at the exact same moment, as sometimes it takes time for the energies to filter through to people’s particular level if they are in particularly difficult phases themselves, or sift down through any layers of baggage or old debris, mind clutter or behavioural responses.)

Today there is a second part to this blog, so enjoy.

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