Saturday 22 November 2014

Mayan Galactic Butterfly

Sunday 23.11.14  Part Two.         (part one being Numbers and New Moon)

Mayan Galactic Butterfly.

Now (yesterday) on this, as what turned out to be, most significant day of open hearts and unified and interdimensional minds from my perspective (even though during which I didn’t feel so centred at the time), I had a wonderfully surprising and unexpected visitation from a beautiful creature.

During my afternoon of ‘shifting energies and things’ through the house, I went out the front door and as I turned, something passed across my face. I stood trans-focussed (if that’s not a word then it is for me) as I saw a huge butterfly dancing by. I say trans-focussed, as that is what this butterfly’s presence did, was change my focus of intent from my inner house work to the outer world where the butterfly lived and so trans (cross) focussed my ‘sight’. That, if you ponder, has multiple levels of relevence in itself.

This dainty thing was coloured most strikingly red, yellow, black and white. And it did not fly away. It continued to flutter back and forth in front of me, in and around particular plants nearby and across my doorway (hhmm see a correlation with 11 gateway here?) I watched for quite a while and wondered if it was looking for a place to settle or . . .? It came quite close to me on a number of flying passes and I stood open to let it land upon me if it wanted to. But it moved up after a while and dissappeared from view.
I continued outside, then on my return, came back through the house and saw it spread eagled across a screen door on the very opposite side of my house! It was just sitting there as if peering in. Even though I moved slowly, I still managed to disturb it, and it fluttered with its huge wings around this area much as it had out the front. I stood and watched it a while, even leaving the door open, but it declined my invitation of course. Eventually I left it to settle on some nearby furniture and went back to my work and then got lost in other things. Later it seemed to have moved on to delight someone else perhaps.

I also recall seeing a news report last week about millions of these flutter-bys flying around the Gold Coast, having been blown off their usual migratory course, where people were really unable to avoid seeing them everywhere. What a beautiful gift to be amongst and who knows what they may have triggered within these Souls?

Now Butterflies’ presence can mean so many things. But this one definitely fell in line with the phase and energy pattern of the day with its freedom of dance, and doorway hovering. I also relate it to a Soul who has newly passed over and who come to say thank you and goodbye. (I am hearing about and visiting increased numbers of Souls departing around my neck of the woods lately. ) I looked on the internet for references too and I also recall reading that , did you know, butterflies’ DNA actually changes within the transformative process they undergo inside their chrysalis or cocoon? This is something that is happening across the human race gradually too due to so many changes occurring that are not of our control, yet part of our evolution.

We are like butterflies changing within our cocoons and emerging as new beings of lighter vibration. Do you think butterflies sleep through this whole process? Not knowing exactly what is happening to them? Because not all people are aware of their own exact processes which are beyond mind and understanding to grasp in our present morphing stages, until our minds become upgraded because of that very process – then afterwards we can understand and can assist others through theirs if called upon to do so. We go through the stages and then can review how and when and why they happened because when we are transmuting through it, it is too intense to do so all the time and too confusing as things come in and go out, unstable, then re-stabilised.

So, I read about the significance of butterfly colours too. I did not find an explanation of mine, but this morning I have. Red and yellow black and white. . .And these colours are significant for me once I looked and meditated upon them. I see these colours’ added relevence to the Native American people and their use also.

So, about the Mayan Galactic Butterfly. A very dear and long term friend once painted me intuitively as she does, a most striking image, which I move about from place to place as I feel the urge. It is a Galactic Butterfly symbol. It is called that as it is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. As you may know, the Mayans were well aware much more deeply than our society, of the galactic and universal system and cycles – they were ‘big picture’  people! Now this consciousness means all our physical ancestors both human and non-human animal and plant as well as the consciousness which organised all of the raw material from a whirling disc into all the stars and planets and the solar systems . . .BIG MEANING, so big that the original Maya had no name for our term of God. . . just knowing the concept was enough. Later, I continue read, that this pattern was devised by the Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for their blankets. . .Jose Arguelles called it “Hunab Ku”. The indigenous people called it “The Galactic Butterfly” Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality.
So, to meditate on or wear this symbol, broadcasts that you are reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.   Once again   BIG MEANING! And a very alchemical reaction can occur and continue to occur within and around you! So if you wish to align, be prepared, which is nigh on impossible to know how except to find the deep peace within you , keep aligned with your higher vibrational self and release old stuff you no longer need for the next leg of you Universal Journey. . .  hhmm sounds familiar hahaha!   Don’t you Just Love Synchronicity!

So may butterfly blessings abound for you all on
The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

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