Monday 17 November 2014

Some Numerology & Pockets of Colour

Tues 18th Nov. 2014.

18.11.2014 = 9.2.7 =  9+9 = 18=
 9 as it stands today : Possibilites of past life resolutions/dissolving  (if there are still any remnants now or of current life karma) consciously or subconsciously. 
Please note that you may not need to work on this but may notice sometime later that you have been freed up of any particular old baggage. Take a free pass today! As it is also November and an 11 remains in our dates as a gateway/doorway, these opportunities can occur more often to lead us into new phases this month.

Greetings Dear Universal Journeyers.

These gentle refreshing rain showers of today help subtle integrations and acceptances of new paradigms or concepts to filter down into our consciousness via our subconscious. It is these new things that we have been working on subconsciously over the past energy period, and so now can come more fully albeit, delicately into our physical dimension. These bring new awarenesses, understandings, ideas and pathways for us all if we choose to see them, acknowledge them and go along with them. They are for our spontaneous spiritual growth and emergence, bit by bit, from the illusionary world that we are wanting to leave behind for a higher one. I see pockets of colour as I travel around that are there just waiting to be taken up by the open-hearted as they walk or drive near them. Pockets of colour that are blobs of the new energies for the era. I see cars drive through them and notice the colours at times travelling away with them or beneath them, waiting to be taken up or recognised at the opportune moment. Gentle, subtle energy pods for our human evolution into the clarity of a lighter day.

Blessings on your Universal Journey Good People.

Starwhite Earthguide.

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