Sunday 23 November 2014

My Mayan Galactic Butterfly

Monday 24th November 2014.
My Mayan Galactic Butterfly.
I turn it at times for a different perspective as I feel the need.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Mayan Galactic Butterfly

Sunday 23.11.14  Part Two.         (part one being Numbers and New Moon)

Mayan Galactic Butterfly.

Now (yesterday) on this, as what turned out to be, most significant day of open hearts and unified and interdimensional minds from my perspective (even though during which I didn’t feel so centred at the time), I had a wonderfully surprising and unexpected visitation from a beautiful creature.

During my afternoon of ‘shifting energies and things’ through the house, I went out the front door and as I turned, something passed across my face. I stood trans-focussed (if that’s not a word then it is for me) as I saw a huge butterfly dancing by. I say trans-focussed, as that is what this butterfly’s presence did, was change my focus of intent from my inner house work to the outer world where the butterfly lived and so trans (cross) focussed my ‘sight’. That, if you ponder, has multiple levels of relevence in itself.

This dainty thing was coloured most strikingly red, yellow, black and white. And it did not fly away. It continued to flutter back and forth in front of me, in and around particular plants nearby and across my doorway (hhmm see a correlation with 11 gateway here?) I watched for quite a while and wondered if it was looking for a place to settle or . . .? It came quite close to me on a number of flying passes and I stood open to let it land upon me if it wanted to. But it moved up after a while and dissappeared from view.
I continued outside, then on my return, came back through the house and saw it spread eagled across a screen door on the very opposite side of my house! It was just sitting there as if peering in. Even though I moved slowly, I still managed to disturb it, and it fluttered with its huge wings around this area much as it had out the front. I stood and watched it a while, even leaving the door open, but it declined my invitation of course. Eventually I left it to settle on some nearby furniture and went back to my work and then got lost in other things. Later it seemed to have moved on to delight someone else perhaps.

I also recall seeing a news report last week about millions of these flutter-bys flying around the Gold Coast, having been blown off their usual migratory course, where people were really unable to avoid seeing them everywhere. What a beautiful gift to be amongst and who knows what they may have triggered within these Souls?

Now Butterflies’ presence can mean so many things. But this one definitely fell in line with the phase and energy pattern of the day with its freedom of dance, and doorway hovering. I also relate it to a Soul who has newly passed over and who come to say thank you and goodbye. (I am hearing about and visiting increased numbers of Souls departing around my neck of the woods lately. ) I looked on the internet for references too and I also recall reading that , did you know, butterflies’ DNA actually changes within the transformative process they undergo inside their chrysalis or cocoon? This is something that is happening across the human race gradually too due to so many changes occurring that are not of our control, yet part of our evolution.

We are like butterflies changing within our cocoons and emerging as new beings of lighter vibration. Do you think butterflies sleep through this whole process? Not knowing exactly what is happening to them? Because not all people are aware of their own exact processes which are beyond mind and understanding to grasp in our present morphing stages, until our minds become upgraded because of that very process – then afterwards we can understand and can assist others through theirs if called upon to do so. We go through the stages and then can review how and when and why they happened because when we are transmuting through it, it is too intense to do so all the time and too confusing as things come in and go out, unstable, then re-stabilised.

So, I read about the significance of butterfly colours too. I did not find an explanation of mine, but this morning I have. Red and yellow black and white. . .And these colours are significant for me once I looked and meditated upon them. I see these colours’ added relevence to the Native American people and their use also.

So, about the Mayan Galactic Butterfly. A very dear and long term friend once painted me intuitively as she does, a most striking image, which I move about from place to place as I feel the urge. It is a Galactic Butterfly symbol. It is called that as it is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. As you may know, the Mayans were well aware much more deeply than our society, of the galactic and universal system and cycles – they were ‘big picture’  people! Now this consciousness means all our physical ancestors both human and non-human animal and plant as well as the consciousness which organised all of the raw material from a whirling disc into all the stars and planets and the solar systems . . .BIG MEANING, so big that the original Maya had no name for our term of God. . . just knowing the concept was enough. Later, I continue read, that this pattern was devised by the Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for their blankets. . .Jose Arguelles called it “Hunab Ku”. The indigenous people called it “The Galactic Butterfly” Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality.
So, to meditate on or wear this symbol, broadcasts that you are reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.   Once again   BIG MEANING! And a very alchemical reaction can occur and continue to occur within and around you! So if you wish to align, be prepared, which is nigh on impossible to know how except to find the deep peace within you , keep aligned with your higher vibrational self and release old stuff you no longer need for the next leg of you Universal Journey. . .  hhmm sounds familiar hahaha!   Don’t you Just Love Synchronicity!

So may butterfly blessings abound for you all on
The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

Numbers and New Moon

Sunday 23.11.2014.    Part One.

Numbers and New Moon.

Dear Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey,
(Please excuse any typos in this blog entry as I have recently re-arranged my computer workspace and my head is still adjusting!)
How are you all travelling today?

Well, yesterday was a quite significant one-of-those-days. Numerologically it was 22.11.2014. I spoke about 11 in a past blog entry as signifying a gateway opportunity and if you will notice, yesterday was a triple 11 : 22 being a double 11 and the 11 of the month itself.
3 or triples, as you probably know are also very significant and can be viewed as quite a Divine number : the 3 holy aspects of Father Mother and Child  (leading into Christmas); aspects of the Higher Spirit; Above Centre and Below our feet when working with the placement of ourselves upon this planet, Triple rings/eclipses of the Celtic Tree of Life symbol; Hermes Trimegistus  and so much more.

And yesterday was also the New Moon phase. This is a time for releasing, letting go of unnecessary ways, things, habits, baggage, and allowing deep openness to occur for yourself in divine ways, all without too much effort. It occurs as the moon is absent from the evening sky and we are free to sense ourselves and discover where we are at and be able to re-adjust to that in whichever way is appropriate for us at this particualr time.
People in my class yesterday will know of the re-adjustment I was undergoing at the time as I was due for some definite re-arranging and review! And so this happened after a lovely qigong session.

I returned home with a need to re-arrange furniture! This happens quite regularly with me, and is due to a new phase within myself and to help also the ebb and flow of energies for our family home to help things run more smoothly. It also helps de-clutter those crowded corners , as like some cluttered spaces of the heart and mind. It involves moving wall decorations and ornaments to more refreshing positions and once done, or even just begun, and you leave the areas momentarily, to return to a great frsh new breath of vitality and openness! It can feel so liberating!  And so timely, yesterday.

So waking this morning , after such a full and fulfilling days effort yesterday, my mind drifted off to ask about today’s plans and then was gently guided to recall my communications with good loving people yesterday and move on from there. So here I be, blogging again! And I recall another past blog entry with words from White Eagle about each previous day being a precursor for the next and to keep your vibrations raised. . . and so I do my best.

(NB. In energy work and vibrational evolution in general, not everyone’s timing is at the exact same moment, as sometimes it takes time for the energies to filter through to people’s particular level if they are in particularly difficult phases themselves, or sift down through any layers of baggage or old debris, mind clutter or behavioural responses.)

Today there is a second part to this blog, so enjoy.

Tuesday 18 November 2014



Weds 19th Nov 2014.

So Dear Universal Journeyers,
How are you feeling today after yesterday?
Sometimes even the idea that we can have something released or unburdened from us without effort is refreshing and lifts our Spirits. 
I hope you are feeling unburdened and refreshed with a renewed vigor for life today! You have permission any day to feel so! No need to understand why – just enjoy and go with it.

So today, as part of a few words that I was inspired to share this morning with someone . . . .
As part of personal processes that we find ourselves continually a part of, tears are very important.
They are underestimated, undervalued and denied.
They are like release valves for our Soul.
Tears are cleansing and detoxifying.
They are salty and wet and find their own way to make tracks as they glide down our puffy cheeks if we allow them their way.
They can well up with no notice whatsoever.
And can spill over involuntarily from us until they have cried themselves dry.
And then more still can come.
Tears are so very very healing.
They are important in acts of resolution and letting go.
Holding them in can create headaches and stagnation of the spirit.
Letting them flow their course can be therapeutic and refreshing and recalibrating.
Tears can re-define balance in our emotional body.
They can leave us feeling drained yet relieved and ready for fresh nourishment and fulfilment to come.
Tears are part of the cycle of change, of growth and growing up.
Let them flow when they well up in your pretty eyes.
They are droplets and trickles of Love that your Heart has felt, that your Soul has longed recognition for and that you have been denying yourself of.
Tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of overwhelming – see them for what they are truly – expressions of support from your Soul as forms of Love in one way or another and come to assist your times of change, of sadness, of awakenings, of recognitions, of great joy and of surprise.
Let them flow when they arrive.
There is no shame in Love.

Great Blessings to you all on
The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

Monday 17 November 2014

Some Numerology & Pockets of Colour

Tues 18th Nov. 2014.

18.11.2014 = 9.2.7 =  9+9 = 18=
 9 as it stands today : Possibilites of past life resolutions/dissolving  (if there are still any remnants now or of current life karma) consciously or subconsciously. 
Please note that you may not need to work on this but may notice sometime later that you have been freed up of any particular old baggage. Take a free pass today! As it is also November and an 11 remains in our dates as a gateway/doorway, these opportunities can occur more often to lead us into new phases this month.

Greetings Dear Universal Journeyers.

These gentle refreshing rain showers of today help subtle integrations and acceptances of new paradigms or concepts to filter down into our consciousness via our subconscious. It is these new things that we have been working on subconsciously over the past energy period, and so now can come more fully albeit, delicately into our physical dimension. These bring new awarenesses, understandings, ideas and pathways for us all if we choose to see them, acknowledge them and go along with them. They are for our spontaneous spiritual growth and emergence, bit by bit, from the illusionary world that we are wanting to leave behind for a higher one. I see pockets of colour as I travel around that are there just waiting to be taken up by the open-hearted as they walk or drive near them. Pockets of colour that are blobs of the new energies for the era. I see cars drive through them and notice the colours at times travelling away with them or beneath them, waiting to be taken up or recognised at the opportune moment. Gentle, subtle energy pods for our human evolution into the clarity of a lighter day.

Blessings on your Universal Journey Good People.

Starwhite Earthguide.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Scenes of Tranquility

The Universal Journey


Upon refection. . . .

Enjoy, Starwhite Earthguide.

Monday 3 November 2014

A second blog today.

Tues. 4th Nov. 2014.
Dear Universal Journeyers.

A second blog for you today.

People around you may irritate or rattle your cage and your sense of inner peace and balance.
You cannot expect to change other people. But you can change your own reactions and attitudes towards them on your own internal level, for your own peace of mind and in order to keep your ‘balance of being’.
At other times it may be traits of your own that are being shown to you through that other person. It is for you to distinguish.
Either way try to keep your perspective elevated and in flow with Divine detachment.

“Into every eye I see
The eyes of God  (or myself)  looking back at me.”


Starwhite Earthguide.

A Refreshing Waterfall for Meditation

A Refreshing Waterfall for Meditation.
Tues 4th Nov. 2014.

To You Dear Ones on
The Universal Journey.

Take 3 slow steady breaths, relax and breathe and raise your awareness - your inner vision -  higher.
Remember your Higher Heart and that special infinity symbol, turquoise and pink, that links the Heart vortices. And breathe.
Raise your vision to your forehead and third eye, and breathe.
Then to your crown on top of your head where that special fontanelle used to be open as a child, and breathe.
Then allow Divine fresh loving energy like a new breath, to freely fall or descend down through all of your chakra wheels from your Soul Star Chakra and through to your Earth Star Chakra below, like a cleansing waterfall of coloured light and cosmic love  - as a blessing.
See those precious wheels of energy and light of yours spinning perfectly smoothly and synchronised.
Remind yourself of this refreshing waterfall during the day.


Starwhite Earthguide.